Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 18.19 miles Time: 01:42:00 Max Speed: 23.20 mph
Avg Speed: 10.70 mph Temp: Min: 45
Max: 64
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Hinkleyville to Hilton and back Weight: 228 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,150 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Calm in the predawn ride; Later: NE breeze on the pm portion of the ride;
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<< Prev Blog  Wednesday, October 15, 2008  Next Blog >>
 Focused on Accuracy
excerpts from: "Wanderings Thoughts in the forefront of ......" by Mike Dixon aka "Hndlebar"
-a Blog post of the "2nd Annual Leaf Peeper" ride Oct.13th 2008(Columbus Day)

from Hndlebar's Blog:
"Out of Castile, one of the riders has fallen considerably off the pace so I circle back and attempt to pull them(me) up to the top of the rise village of Castile on a nice easy grade for 3 miles."

my counter observation: (Mike did circle back. To see how I was doing? Hoping to have something to snicker about in typical Hndlebar fashion? We were just North of Castile and about 100 kilometers into the ride. My pace had slowed. However Hndlebar did not offer to pull or form a pace line. That was my suggestion and not because I was out of gas or whatever his terminology was for the situation.

It was MY suggestion that we set-up a paceline. We had never drafted together before and it was immediately clear that we needed to get more in sync. Since Mike was clearly the faster of the two of us, drafting Mike would enable me to catch up with the other two riders. There was no desperate situation going on, but the wind and the elevation rise were having an effect on my speed at this point. One could refer to my technique at that point in the ride as "tooling along at a comfortable pace".)

Mike goes on to say in his Blog report: "In the typical fashion of this rider I get an earful afterwards about how poorly I pulled them back to the group,"
(I had commented to Mike about his pacing. His speed was erratic, varying from 17 to 20mph. I was unable to maintain a pace above 18.5 mph. Which is why I asked him to "keep it steady".)

Mike continues: "...rather than this rider reflecting on thier own personal abilities , and lack of experiance in the draft. I guess it doesn't pay to be helpfull. But it is cureable with more seat time."-sic

(Mike should spell check before posting his comments. Additionally, "cureable(?) with more seat time" is not the issue here. What? Is this guy some kind of cycling Guru? His inaccurate observation and distorted comments are the issues which cause me to simmer here! More to the point of my aggravation is over his inaccurate post ride write-up. Having more "seat time", mile for mile than Mike, indicates only that I am the slower biker. As far as "seat time" and total mileage is concerned, over the past 5 years my journal speaks for itself".

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So it was early on in this ride, well before the drafting flap, Mike announced to the other riders that I have a big chip on my shoulder -not sure what brought on that pronouncement. I guess that comment early on, may have set me off a bit as it was completely out of left field. In fact that is an accurate assessment on a key personality trait. Instead inspiring camaraderie, the comment was adversarial, insensitive and overly competitive. Especially in light of the fact that later Mike would write an illiterate one-sided assessment and censure any counter assessment, by deleting contrary comments from his Blog.

For sure, I have an attitude, and an extreme sensitivity to being shown a lack of mutual respect. However, it would be beneficial for someone like Mike to spend a little more time composing his thoughts instead of running off. (Additionally, a spell checker could make his writing a bit more readable.) If the guy wants respect as a ride leader (he has some potential in that endeavor), he needs to show some mutual respect and "can" the over competitiveness on leisure rides.

Praising others, in their accomplishments and milestones, that's been my motto. Figuring positive encouragement builds goodwill and mutual respect, but that's not always the case!

So it is that Mike has had a stellar year. Good for him! There is no doubt he feeds off of some form of ego-maniacal vanity that comes across in an unsettling over-competitive attitude.

Still I'm left wondering why some people put others down in a blindsided way. What makes the ego-maniac feel a need to feel superior in ways that insult others? It's a lack of respect. So the arrogance and insult transpires and I'm left to wonder: Do I come across as a "push-over"? Or am I somehow unworthy of mutual respect? I know I should be less sensitive! Bike-N-Gin would say "they're just showing their jealous side. Reaching out in a gesture of friendship makes oneself vulnerable to character assault...

When I extend an observation and praise it is in the spirit of uplifting and exulting someone for their effort. It seems rather low class, trying to act elitist, to belittle someone else's effort. Individuals like Mike could make a point of noting and measuring their accomplishments, NOT against the accomplishments of others, but in ways that measure their progress against their past performance. Mike/Hndlebar could do better with a less overbearing ego. Stop with the I'm better than you crap or save it for others of your ilk!

I believe Mike saw the Leaf Peeper ride as a showcase for his cycling abilities by contrasting other riders inabilities. Seems as if he set out to accomplish this by adding undisclosed climbs that were not on the route last year. This included setting up the route with a very steep grade within the park (my bikes gearing was barely adequate to handle the climb), His amusement at another's surprise and struggle was a bit disgusting.

I suppose that it all boils down to ones manifestation of over-competitiveness. In some ways it seems like the typical weekend cyclist suffers from an over-abundance of competitiveness. Perhaps it's a frustration from ones otherwise dull routine, sleepy endorphins awakened by the ride. Or maybe deep seated feelings of inadequacy.

From my perspective, the saddest part of this experience is discovering the shallow workings of an individual I thought worthy of esteem. So it has become evident to me, Hndlebar is unable to parry differing opinion with logic or fact. Blog comments are opinion that need no qualification. To negatively assess someone and then go on to censure that person's rebuttal commentary is a sure way to stifle a friendship.

Mike's effort to censure my comments and perspective in the comment section of his Blog, is of course his prerogative! To write a negative interpretation of events, excluding comments from the individuals you deride, is a cheap shot and indicates obvious character issues.
Denying someone you have assessed negatively and inaccurately an access to counter and comment directly, is at least an indication of an over-inflated ego, unable to parry logic and discourse. And it was a low class move to boot. I invite comments from Hndlebar at any time and will allow them to be attached to my Blog entries.

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