Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 43.08 miles Altitude Gain: 1,197 ft Avg Speed: 16.40 mph
Route: Sandy Bottoms Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 142 bpm Avg HR: 112 bpm Terrain: Road: Rolling
Bike: Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sunny 74 F SW wind @ 8 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, March 11, 2025  Next Blog >>
 Sunny Riding
Took a gamble yesterday on my drive to Williamsburg, VA for a little early spring training. Usually stop in Lewisburg, PA for a ride but got greedy and decided to continue to my way station of the night in New Market, VA and hopefully get a seventy degree ride in before dark. Unfortunately there was an accident on the interstate that caused a delay. Got to New Market and probably could have gotten a short ride in but decided to bag it as would be riding after dark if I had a flat. Drove to Charles City, VA in the morning and got a ride in before heading to Williamsburg. It was a bit windy but got to ride in shorts and a jersey and without booties and gloves. The Capitol Rail Trail passes through the Charles City but I started out the ride by heading north up the Courthouse Road with a rolling climb to Sandy Bottom where I turned east and continued climbing. The Glebe Road was a little rough but compared to northern roads I would rate it near pristine. I had ridden the road a few times in the opposite direction so it was familiar. The road looped around before dropping back onto the Cap2Cap Trail about ten miles east of the start. Returned on the trail to the start but only had thirty miles in. Legs still felt good and it was seventy plus degrees so headed west on the trail to get some more miles in. Didn't plan on doing much but spin until I passed a rider stretching on the side of the road. A mile or so later he flew by me and I decided I would stalk him for awhile to see what he was made of. He started losing speed soon after passing me and start floundering on a small upgrade. Decided to spin by him but the trail was blocked near the top of the grade by an elderly man that had tipped over on his E-bike and was trapped like a turtle on its back. The other rider stopped and helped the guy up and I waited to see if I could help. The older gent seemed okay so I restarted my ride. Pushed three or four flat miles hard anticipating the other rider would be in pursuit but made my goal of the port-a-john at the Herring Landing Trailhead before being caught. Returned to Charles City on the route without further incident. I did pass the elderly gentlemen and his wife also heading back and he was riding well. I'm sure he'll be suffering tomorrow though as even a small crash is hard on an ageing body. Felt great to ride in the heat and also great to see dozens of riders out both on the sideroads and the trail. Felt like riding some more but decided to wait until tomorrow when I have a longer ride scheduled.

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Lifetime: 104,968 mi
Member No. 37801
Member since: Dec 2009
Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
Road bike
Schuyler County Cycling Club

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