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 Ride Stats
Distance: 7.18 miles Route: Rock Cut Time: 01:01:10
Avg Speed: 7.04 mph Max Speed: 16.80 mph Avg HR: 117 bpm
Max HR: 128 bpm Calories Burned: 0 Weight: 205
Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: XC Bike: Surly Krampus / 29+ Rigid 29er
Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions: Sunny. finally not as humid. 80°F.
Ride Description: Parked at Puri Crest.
3 laps of Vasa Loop to see how I feel.
Not very good, but nice to be on the bike.

Distance: 15.64 miles Route: Long Prairie & Stone Bridge Trail Time: 01:46:35
Avg Speed: 8.80 mph Max Speed: 13.60 mph Avg HR: 0 bpm
Max HR: 0 bpm Calories Burned: 0 Weight: 205
Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: Flat Bike: Surly Krampus / 29+ Rigid 29er
Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions: Sunny. 88°F.
Ride Description: From Roland Olson.
Took the trails to the SBT-LPT and rode to Poplar Grove to see how the BMX track was coming along. There are No Trespassing signs up all over.

Legs had nothing. At 11 miles I was in survival mode. Felt very weak. Possibly the BP medication?
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, July 20, 2013  Next Blog >>
 The Long Miserable Summer.
In 2011 and 2012, While UW-Madison and Mayo Clinic were trying to figure out why my muscles are shutting down, they told me not to "exert myself" until they find out what I have, just in case it made matters worse.
In that time I still rode my bike, but generally followed doctors orders.
I got out of shape and gained 25 pounds.

Well, it's 2013, UW and Mayo gave up, I found a couple doctors on my own, neither of them know what I have either, but the last doctor I talked to, a muscle expert in Dallas, said "Not working out is the worst thing you can do". The best thing you can do is get in shape and lose 30 pounds. Great.
He also said get off the Lisinopril (Blood Pressure Medication) right now. It has links to muscle loss.

So, for the last six months or so, I've been trying to find new Blood Pressure medication that will allow me to workout without severe side effects.
I'm on my 3rd doctor, the first two put me on Beta Blockers even though I told them not to. A short Google search will tell you Beta Blockers are the worst type of Blood Pressure medication for athletes because they keep your heart rate low.

I'm now on two different Diuretics. The second different combination since the first two I tried in June did not work because the side effects were severe when I tried to move.
The problem is, it takes 4 weeks for the body to acclimate to the medication. So each new drug I try that doesn't work is another month of inactivity.
I'm going to lose my mind if we don't find something that works soon.

So far, this new combination is better than the last drug combo, but still the side effects, lighted headed feeling when I move, constant chest pain (unless I lay on my back) and overall crappy feeling is no fun at all.
And it's not getting better.
Unfortunately, I have to stay on them until August, when it looks like we'll have to try something else.
Another wasted, miserable month.

The other monkey wrench in my situation is that many of the Blood Pressure medications list "Muscle Weakness" in their list of side effects. I realize that (to cover their ass) the drug companies have to list every single possible side effect ever reported, even if it is very rare, but with a muscle disorder I can't really afford to risk that possible side effect. If I suddenly felt weak, is it actual or perceived weakness? Is my muscle loss accelerating on its own or is it the medication? Or is my weak feeling because I'm still not working out and getting back in shape?

Too many unanswered questions equal a long, miserable Summer.
But, I will survive.
And I will get back in shape again.
Hopefully, before the Wisconsin Fat-Bike racing series starts in December.

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Lifetime: 26,503 mi
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Home: Roscoe, IL 
Specialized Turbo Como 4.0
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