Bicycle Music   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 2.67 miles Route: Kin-Mor-Way Trails Time: 00:21:43
Avg Speed: 7.38 mph Max Speed: 17.40 mph Avg HR: 110 bpm
Max HR: 129 bpm Calories Burned: 267 Weight: 195
Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: XC Bike: Surly Krampus / 29+ Rigid 29er
Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions: Rain. 85°F
Ride Description: A rain shortened ride.

It looks like someone drove a Bobcat in the back trails.
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, September 19, 2013  Next Blog >>
 Dietary Lifestyle Changes...
I'm still counting calories. I fact, I've lost 16 pounds so far.
But I decided not to post the info here because...

1. It's not that interesting.
2. Since starting my Diabetes Self Management classes, they've got me checking my blood sugar twice a day and counting Carbohydrates, fat, fiber and saturated fats. It just takes too much time to also add it here.
3. Being on vacation for two weeks without a computer, I wasn't able to keep up.

The good news... With the weight loss and more biking, my blood sugar levels have dropped into the "normal" range and I will not have to take any Diabetes medication.
I'm down to just one Blood Pressure drug, one with very minimal side effects, no more chest pain during excersize! I'm getting in better shape too.

Weight Loss Update...
8/12/2013 - 205 lbs.
9/12/2013 - 194 lbs.
10/12/2013 - 192 lbs.
11/12/2013 - 190 lbs.
12/12/2013 - 189 lbs.

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  KrateKraig click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 26,503 mi
Member No. 13469
Member since: Mar 2006
Home: Roscoe, IL 
Specialized Turbo Como 4.0
Electric bike
Secular Cycleism

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