Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:45:46 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 35.85 miles
Avg Speed: 12.98 mph Max Speed: 30.00 mph Altitude Gain: 1,148 ft
Blood Sugar: 0 mg/l Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report -- Weather Impact: -1.3% Headwind: 60% @ 1.8-8.8mph Longest Headwind: 49m 12s Air Speed: 12.8mph Temp: 66.2-69.2°F Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
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<< Prev Ride  Sunday, October 31, 2021  Next Ride >>
 Ken's Scofflaw Ride
I rode the Trek to Cleveland Park and saw that Ken's group was still at the zoo. I jumped in with them and 10 of us left to ride - Ken, Mark, Kimberly, Kimberly's friend Nancy, Keith, Steve Y, Luiz, and couple that I didn't know, and me. We rode by the former dog park and took Woodland Way Circle around. Then we rode by the F-86 and up Cleveland Street. They turned off Falls Street to go to the Liberty Bridge, but I rode up to Broad Street and out Washington, to the Hampton Avenue Walk Bridge, and took Hampton Avenue back to the Swamp Rabbit Trail. I din't know if he group was ahead or behind me, so I took off.

I rode to Furman and took my long loop around campus and I saw the group across the lake about a mile behind me. I rode on to Travelers Rest and ran into Don Y and Lynda just north of the cemetery. I went on to the north end and talked to a guy that had a Marin that was set up very much like my Straggler. He and I headed back toward TR and I met Ken and his group just south of the cemetery headed north, So they were about 2 miles behind me then. I rode back to TR and met Don and Lynda at the TRee House, and I ordered a Cafe au Lait and we sat outside in the sun. Ken's group came in a good while later and we tried to figure out who everyone was! The couple that I didn't know left right away, but everyone else ordered drinks and we sat outside talking.

Then we left the cafe kind of in groups, but I was in the group that wasn't headed back to town while the other group that was headed to town was a good ways ahead of me. I stopped at the gazebo to take a picture and everyone was out ahead of me. Once I was going again, I met Keith going north and he said that he had left his water bottle and was returning to the TRee House to pick it up. I chased down the back group, then I saw Kristen standing by the trailside by the BP station with Keith's water bottle wanting to know who's bottle it was. I stopped and told her that Keith had gone back to the TRee House to get it, so she said that she'd wait for him there. I'll have to find out what happened later about that!

I chased down the back group and Luiz turned off at Old Buncombe to go home. Then I chased down Ken, Mark, Steve, Kimberly, and Nancy. Mark and I rode at the back and chatted. Ken and Steve was leapfrogging each other and speeding up and slowing down. I'm not sure what brought that on. We rode together until Willard Street, when Kimberly and Nancy turned off. The rest of us rode to Cleveland Park, but Ken and Mark turned to do and additional loop to make 30 miles. Steve and I took my normal route home from the zoo parking lot. It was kind of funny to climb Hillside and Balsam with Steve on an e-bike. I said my good-byes to Steve and turned onto CIrcle to get home.


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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,981 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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