Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 03:07:20 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 36.44 miles
Avg Speed: 11.67 mph Max Speed: 36.00 mph Altitude Gain: 1,193 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Surly Straggler Touring Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report -- Weather Impact: -2.3% Headwind: 63% @ 3.4-9.4mph Longest Headwind: 46m 21s Air Speed: 11.6mph Temp: 74.1-80.6°F Precip: 5% @ 0.17 Inch/hr
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<< Prev Entry  Saturday, October 9, 2021  Next Entry >>
 Afternoon Ride
Today I rode the Surly to Cleveland Park and around the old dog loop. I went up Furman Way to get around Fall for Greenville. On Augusta a GTC Trolley stopped and blocked traffic through two cycles of the red light. I finally made it to the trail and rode to the Commons where I stopped at Automatic Taco for a chorizo taco with no shell. After eating there, I headed up the trail. I met Kimberly just north of the Swamp Rabbit Cafe. After I passed the Pocket Park and crossed Sulphur Springs, there were a woman and a gold off the side. I asked if they were okay and the woman's chain was off and stuck. She had been run off the trail by some kids. I stopped and put the chain back on and straightened out the chain guard (it was a Reedy River Rental). They got back on, but the woman's leg was injured and she couldn't ride. I got off the trail at Furman and did my longer Furman loop. Then I rode to the end of the trail and back to Travelers Rest where I stopped at the TRee House for a cafe au lait. I sid "Hey!" to Gene, then Kristen came in and we talked. From there I rode back down the trail, got off after the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and went by Hampton Station and crossed the Hampton Avenue Bridge. I took Washington to Broad Street, then got off at Westfield and followed it to Main Street. I got stick in traffic at Main then on Augusta. I followed traffic and finally got off across from University Square's parking lot. I took Furman Way back to Cleveland Park to the zoo then to Washington. On Hillside, I stopped and talked to Pat for a long time.

Strava ended my ride at the Commons, so my ride ended up split into two rides.



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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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