Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 58.94 miles Altitude Gain: 2,781 ft Avg Speed: 14.38 mph
Route: Penn Yan North Wind Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 146 bpm Avg HR: 118 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sun/Clouds 48 F NW wind @ 9 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, March 9, 2021  Next Blog >>
 Fifty in Fifty
Plan for the day was to ride fifty miles on the first day of a stable temperature in the fifty degree range. Plan did not go as planned. Had planned on starting after watching the daily section of the Paris Nice stage race, but as it was a short time trial stage it ended fairly early and left me heading out on the bike a bit before I scheduled. Instead of bright sunshine and warm temperatures, I headed off off under cloudy skies and into a strong north wind and a rather cool forty-one degrees. Did a couple of climbs into the wind and despite my moderate effort and lackluster results, the sweat was dripping constantly off my forehead. Rode a couple of hours into the wind and over the hills to Penn Yan where the sun finally came out. It is still sitting pretty low in the sky even at noon as it appears to prefer to cast its favor on the Confederate states. It did at least finally push the temperature into the fifties. After nearly thirty miles of headwind I caught a break and got pushed up the grade between Penn Yan and Dresden by a friendly tailwind. It wasn't quite as helpful on the next climb out of Dresden but it wasn't too bad a climb. There is still quite a bit of snow present in the shadier areas, but I also welcomed the sight of some green fields north of Himrod. I assume it is some sort of winter crop. Also noticed that several of the fields have already been plowed which is an pleasant sign. Spring is definitely in the air but was not found in my legs. Thought about pushing the dismal pace and getting the average for the day up to a sad fifteen miles an hour, but lacked the energy for the effort despite the strong tailwind. Finished off the ride with some easy pedaling and a long downhill coast into Watkins to finish off the ride. Saw a few Amish cyclist out but no other riders. I did achieve my goal of riding fifty miles and at least half of it was in fifty plus weather. Supposed to get a couple more days of high for March temperatures before it returns to be more seasonal. Sure beats riding on ice in twenty degree weather as I did for most of February.

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Lifetime: 104,872 mi
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Home: Montour Falls, NY 
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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