0.78 miles
Kin-Mor-Way Trails
Min: 15
Avg: 15
Max: 15
Time: 00:07:45
Avg Speed:
6.04 mph
Max Speed:
9.80 mph
Avg HR: 0 bpm
Max HR: 0 bpm
Calories Burned: 0
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Off: XC
Bike: Felt Lebowske / Fat Bike Electric
Club: Ice Bike |
Weather Conditions: Sunny. |
Ride Description: Trail test - FAIL. (Then a lap around the block) After we got 17" of snow on Friday and Saturday...
Interesting trail stomping experiment with over 5 hours of snowshoeing in the back yard today... We got the largest snowfall in one dump, 17", in a long time. It was tough grooming so I only did a short (narrow) trail to the quarry, then stomped the new outer loop. The other interesting thing about this snowfall is it came before the ground froze, so there's a mushy layer close to the ground I'm hoping will freeze creating a firm base when the temps get down to 9°F tonight. And there was also standing water in the quarry from 2" of rain earlier in the week, the new snow created some big slush spots in a few places. I mixed in more snow and hopefully it won't be too slippery tomorrow. I'm too tired to put my studded tires on tonight. |
4.19 miles
Min: 25
Avg: 26
Max: 27
Time: 00:31:28
Avg Speed:
7.99 mph
Max Speed:
15.60 mph
Avg HR: 0 bpm
Max HR: 0 bpm
Calories Burned: 0
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Off: Flat
Bike: Felt Lebowske / Fat Bike Electric
Club: Ice Bike |
Weather Conditions: Sunny. S Wind 9 mph. 54% Humidity. |
Ride Description: Checking out the new Dillinger studs in the hood. Did some riding in the 17" of snow.
After putting Winter tires on the LEBOWSKe, FrosTi and Moonlander...