Ride Stats |
Time: 01:25:08
Swamp Rabbit Trail
14.67 miles
Avg Speed:
10.34 mph
Max Speed:
0.00 mph
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Clear skies with temps from 48 to 57 degrees and slight wind ranging from 1 to 5 mph |
This morning I went to leave and the front tire on my Surly was flat, so I topped off the air on the Trek and took it to the Cafe to ride with the Swamp ROMP. Seven of us left the Cafe - Wilson, his friend Larry, Laura, Seneca, his friend Anna, Christina, and me. We started with a very slow pace until I finally went up front to try to drag the group along. We stopped at the pocket park and at Furman when I realized that Larry was really struggling to stay with us. So I dropped to the back and Larry and I brought up the rear into TR. Once we got there Wilson, Laura, and Christina were waiting while Seneca and Anna had gone to the Tandem Crepery to eat. Larry turned back to go home while the four of us went to Farmhouse Tacos to eat. I had chips with queso and a crabcake and fried green tomatoes taco. I rode with Christina going back down the trail and we had a good time chatting down the trail.
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