Had to have some minor surgery and the doc said: "No exertion for 3 to 5 days and no heavy lifting." Didn't post a Rouge Croix cause I didn't want to have to answer: "And why do you have that red cross?" I figure if I have a red cross because of something cycling, then I'll wear it. Otherwise.....nope.
Three to four days without cycling. That didn't seem too bad.
That is until the 3rd day when I got this shivering feeling, gnawing in my gut, unease, feeling of needing to do something, anything.
Then I realized: I am a bike junkie. I know how a meth addict feels. Heck, I remember doing without cigarettes feels to a smoker. I were one.
I need to ride my bike for all the reasons cyclists list and then some.
The week end came and I had all this time. No 4 to 5 hours on the bike. I mean: "I have ALL DAY without a bike ride." What do I do with myself?
Yeah, you can find lots of things to do that have been put off for another day. And I did. I updated my travel blog for the days spent in Viet Nam in Hanoi, Sa Pa, and Hoi An. That leaves the Mekong Delta and Ho Chi Minh city to journal. Oh..here 1944keen.blogspot.com/2008_02_01_archive.html if you care to take a journey.
And I got back into Photoshop Elements, finally starting the Layers class.
But all of that still left me feeling.............empty.
Bad weather or a family commitment knocking out my riding I can handle.
But just not being about to ride?
So I admit: I'm obsessed.
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