Ride Stats |
8.50 miles
Altitude Gain:
350 ft
Avg Speed:
9.29 mph
Bad Indian Swamp
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 128 bpm
Avg HR: 104 bpm
Terrain: Off: Flat
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Overcast 35 F S wind @ 6 mph |
Wind shifted to the south again and temperature climbed above freezing for a bit, so I took the mountain bike out for another short ride. We had a couple inches of snow over the weekend that covered up the ice formed from the snow melting and refreezing from the previous snowfall. Headed around the swamp today rather than through it as wanted to avoid as much turning as possible due to the high potential of slippage and falling. Headed down the rail trail to Watkins and got a riding on cobblestone feeling as the trail has had dozens of walkers whose footprints in the snow left a chunky fractured surface in the snow cover. Did see evidence of one X country skier but they only went less than a quarter of a mile before turning back. I thought the big challenge of the day would be the initial short climb out of Watkins on the seasonal use Rock Cabin Road that is usually a glare of ice in the winter. Turned out not to be a problem though as there has been enough truck traffic to provide a smooth hard packed snow surface. I did lose it a couple of times dodging the occasional pothole or ice section but was able to recover without falling. It did provide a couple of cheap thrills that offset the otherwise fairly mundane ride. Focusing on bike handling kept mine mind off the cold that occasionally creeped up on me. Tired of winter but it is losing its grip as when we do infrequently get sunshine it has a noticeable warmth to it. We have a couple more days of above freezing weather before at least another week in the icebox.
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