Ride Stats |
8.62 miles
Altitude Gain:
295 ft
Avg Speed:
8.78 mph
Bad Indian Swamp
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 138 bpm
Avg HR: 108 bpm
Terrain: Off: XC
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Snow 26 F wind SSE @ 10 mph |
Getting tired of riding the trainer and decided to try riding outside today even though it was colder than I prefer. Looked fairly pleasant though as I headed out into the blowing snow. There was about an inch on the ground, and it was predicted to get less than an inch an hour though it was falling and blowing quite nicely. Decided to take my frequent loop through the swamp with a section of single track on the Bird Trail and return on the rail trail. Made a poor decision to do the route backwards for once that turned out to be a mistake. Enjoyed the first section of single track as the inch of fresh snow provided a good surface. Bumped off a couple of trees during the section but stayed upright. Ride turned south as I crossed the canal in Watkins and actually headed south into the wind. Wind wasn't too bad while passing through town but picked up as I headed back into the swamp. Only had a little over two miles of straight into the wind and blowing snow, but wind cut through me and gradually peeled away my heat. Had cold toes and face by the time I got through. Only saw one walker out today and fresh snow would have quickly covered any recent bike tracks. Ended up not pleased with the ride as don't like getting cold on rides. Weather forecast now has the next week dropping back into the teens in the daytime and single digits at night with windchills in the negatives, so it will be back to the trainer and lifting weights until nearly March.
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