Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 35.41 miles Altitude Gain: 1,634 ft Avg Speed: 15.00 mph
Route: Dundee South Wind Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 137 bpm Avg HR: 111 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sunny 67 F S wind @ 8 mph
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<< Prev Entry  Thursday, March 17, 2022  Next Entry >>
 Hill Attempt
Another great day for riding with a warm sun and a stiff southern breeze. Decided I might as well bite the bullet and go out and do some climbing instead of just an out and back in the wind. Headed out to Glenora with a tailwind and hoped it would push me up the first mile and a half long highway climb out of Watkins. Tried to spin it and ride steady rather than surging and cracking. Didn't set any records, but it wasn't too bad. It was tough enough to tax my legs though and made no attempt to spin up some speed in the tailwind once over the top. Took it fairly easy to Lakemont and felt a little better so pushed the second climb over the ridge to Dundee. Later in the season I probably wouldn't really even count this as a climb, but at my weight and fitness level it counted today. Saw the only other cyclist today riding a mountain bike on the ridge overlooking Dundee. Looked like a fairly young lad, but it was good to see someone young on a bicycle on the open road. Had a brief downgrade into Dundee and then started the three mile climb out of Dundee on SR 14A south. It quite a long climb with a couple of short steps but not terribly difficult. Turned out to be an unenjoyable event as my legs were getting tired, and I was climbing into a strong wind. Seemed to take forever and found it most unpleasant. Once over the top though, It was a fast descent from Reading Center to Watkins then a couple more miles of flats along the swamp to home. I was glad when the ride was over. The first few miles weren't bad, but the last sections seemed like work without reward. At least it wasn;t snowing.

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Lifetime: 104,872 mi
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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