Bicycle Music   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 39.32 miles Route: Long Prairie & Stone Bridge Trail Temp: Min: 43
Avg: 47
Max: 51
Time: 03:13:00 Avg Speed: 12.22 mph Max Speed: 24.50 mph
Avg HR: 0 bpm Max HR: 0 bpm Calories Burned: 0
Weight: 189 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: Flat
Bike: Felt Lebowske / Fat Bike Electric Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions: Sunny. Windy. NNW 13 mph. 35% Humidity.
Ride Description: From Home. - To east end and back.
Testing LEBOWSKe Range. Knard's pumped up to 20 psi. Mileage was short, (2217) so I reset Wheel Circumference to 2270 after the ride. If I make the mileage the same as the last time I did this route on the Trek Domane (39.9 miles) my average speed was 12.34 mph, compared to 11.98 on the Domane, and I was slightly less fatigued.
Felt like a headwind both directions at times.
Brooks C-17 saddle is okay, but nowhere near the comfort of the leather B-17. Rode with 45NRTH flat pedals.
ECO mode most of the time. Used SPORT & TURBO on the last subdivision hills. Was down to 2 bars on the battery meter, showing 6 miles on the Range meter. I was very tired.
If I'm going to do the Gravel Metric I'll need faster wheels and Black Floyd's.
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Lifetime: 26,503 mi
Member No. 13469
Member since: Mar 2006
Home: Roscoe, IL 
Specialized Turbo Como 4.0
Electric bike
Secular Cycleism

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