Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 41.15 miles Altitude Gain: 2,455 ft Avg Speed: 16.63 mph
Route: Searsburg Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 167 bpm Avg HR: 132 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sunny 73 F SW wind @ 6 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, April 27, 2021  Next Blog >>
 Summer Day
It was one of the best weather days for riding so far this year. Sun was out and it was putting out a fair amount of heat and wind was blowing a bit but hardly worth notice compared to how it normally howls. Wasn't sure how the legs would feel after yesterdays mildly disappointing outing and decided on a forty miler with a couple of climbs. Headed up to Searsburg to do the climb I missed last week after missing a turn. Started out up Old Odessa out of the saddle but didn't last long. Downshifted into the granny gear and kept a good spin. Legs felt good so kept it in the granny and maintained the high cadence for the rest of the climb. Felt smooth and fast but when I checked the time at turn it was only in the nines. Best is thirteen in later years and normally push it to an eleven. Decided to start shoveling some coal and see if I could make up some time on the second half of the climb that is a couple miles of two to five percent. Made up some time but only got it into the elevens. After making the second turn I saw a pair of riders up the road and kept the pace high to try and catch them. Caught them quickly though and passed them as they stopped at a rise to drink and reflect. Saw two other riders on SR 228 going the opposite direction. They were quite bundled and had to be overheated. Long sleeves, covered ears and long fingered gloves just looked out of place on such a nice day. Had good speed going after my short chase and thought I would keep pushing for the first hour and then back off if the legs weren't there today. Got to T-burg and started up the six mile step climb through Steamburg and Searsburg. Saw two other cyclists cross the road at an intersection up the hill and they looked like serious cyclists. I think six riders is the most I've seen this year out on the open road. Had one of my best climbs up this hill in years. Came out of the saddle on the short steep kickers and legs always bounced right back. Crested at fifteen four and thought I should be able to pull a seventeen since I had a few hundred feet of elevation in the bag. Didn't happen though. Picked up a little headwind and that kept the speeds down a little and had traffic on the final downhill that kept my speed in the twenties rather than the thirties and forties. Still had a great ride and legs felt fresh. Computer told me I had set a new record for covering 40K. Not sure what section it was over but it had to include the six mile climb so felt good about it even though had no idea what the old record was or how long the record covered.

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Lifetime: 102,927 mi
Member No. 37801
Member since: Dec 2009
Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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