Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 01:21:52 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 14.57 miles
Avg Speed: 10.68 mph Max Speed: 0.00 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road Club: Clydesdales
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<< Prev Ride  Saturday, April 22, 2017  Next Ride >>
 First Ride Back
Last night I checked over the Surly and it wasn't ready to ride, so I aired up the Trek to ride today. The ride for the Swamp ROMP was cancelled, so I decided to drive to the Hudson Street parking lot and ride up the trail. I drove there and rode the Trek in the parking lot to get my bearings. It's been over 8 weeks since I rode last and quite a while longer since I rode the Trek. The two bikes ride differently, but after rolling around the parking lot I took off riding up the trail. The weather was nice, so the trail was crowded. I first was stuck behind a group of slow moving women, but I trailed them for the first mile until there was a good opportunity to pass. Then the ride up the trail was pretty much what I remembered it as being. It was interesting to see all the things that have changed since I last rode the trail.

I rode to Furman then turned onto the campus to ride around the lake. When I turned in I heard my name being called by Peter. He was leading a small group ride and wanted to know about my accident. I told him and his group about it then took a ride around the lake. I turned back onto the trail and headed back south when I met Joe, Cindy, Bob, and Art with the Swamp ROMP at the Furman railroad car. Joe wanted to know about my wreck and Cindy who is a nurse wanted all of the graphic details from the accident and the ER. After that I headed back down the trail.

I stopped at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and went in for a strawberry smoothie and a strawberry tart. Outside of the Cafe I saw Mary and talked with her for a while. She is the gal that talked me into commuting to work. She was glad to see me back on the bike. I rode back to the parking lot and drove home. Then I took the Surly to Piney Mountain Cycles. Jonathan that worked at TTR is working there now and I took the Surly for him to straighten out the probelms. He wanted to know about the accident as well. I feel pretty well rehearsed after talking about it all day. Jonathan straightened out the the Surly and ordered a new bracket for the rear blinkie. While there I bought an excellent bacon swiss burger for Cis at a food truck. I guess it was a good day back.

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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