Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 40.76 miles Altitude Gain: 2,634 ft Avg Speed: 16.76 mph
Route: Hillbender Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 166 bpm Avg HR: 142 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Clody Drizzle 40 F NW wind @ 5 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, May 8, 2021  Next Blog >>
Weather forecast was mildly better for today's race as there was now supposed to be a two hour window overlapping the race time where there was supposed to be no rain. Temperature unfortunately was still hovering around forty degrees. It was a two hour drive to Cazenovia and was very discouraged as final half hour of the drive was in a winter wonderland. The road remained clear but the landscape had an inch or so of snow cover. Was less than thrilled about riding the hilly course being a rather poor climber and the weather wasn't lifting my spirit much. Got registered and dressed in my winter gear and was ready to warm up when I was told the race was delayed for a half hour to let the snow melt over the top of the climb. Had a pretty good crowd attending. Ninety odd riders had registered for the thirty eight mile race but had no idea about how many had shown up. Did see a few people show up and then leave. Still wasn't feeling well and just wanted to get going and take my lumps and go home with the heater all the way up in the truck. Lined up in the back and had little hope of staying with the climbers but goal was to hang on as long as I could. The course starts out with eight or nine miles of climb. As soon as the race started I new I was in for a long day as had nothing in the legs. I was shed off the back after a couple of miles and started drifting back. Wasn't too worried as hoped that the legs would warm up and break loose. Headed into Cazenovia with the front group no longer in sight but with eight to ten other stragglers just a little ways up the road. Made an effort and caught a couple on a short steep section. One rider and I stayed together for a mile or so. Took a hard pull with the other rider in tow and caught up with another pair of riders, but when the slope increased I wasn't able to stay with them and they pulled away again. Had nothing at all in the legs. Caught up with and passed them on the downhill but was caught and dropped by two of them on the climb back to the start. It was a two lap course and thought I really should call it a day after the first lap as the legs never got any better. Stomach was also bothering me again and wasn't drinking though I knew I really needed to. Second lap was much worse. New goal was to try not to be the last rider to finish. Knew I was still ahead of a few riders but wasn't sure how many were daft enough to do the second lap. Rode pretty much alone although I would occasionally see the pair of riders that dropped me on the second climb. Thought I might be able to catch them on the downhill section but wasn't able. Got some relief as a mile from the finish I caught and passed a rider that was suffering from cramps. So finished the race not in last place. Felt horrible at the finish and was majorly disappointed. Would have been easily outclassed on my best day but this was one of my worst. The ride was most unfun.

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