Ride Stats |
22.89 miles
Time: 01:46:30
Avg Speed:
12.90 mph
Commute to work
Altitude Gain:
325 ft
Calories Burned: 515
Max Speed:
29.80 mph
Category: general: commute -
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Specialized Crosstrail (Retired) 700c Hybrid
Club: Blackhawk Bicycle and Ski Club |
Weather Conditions: Clear skies, wind NW at 4-6 mph, temperature from 71 to 75°F |
5.98 miles
Time: 00:35:00
Avg Speed:
10.25 mph
Commute to home #1
Altitude Gain:
250 ft
Calories Burned: 135
Max Speed:
27.20 mph
Category: general: commute -
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Specialized Crosstrail (Retired) 700c Hybrid
Club: Blackhawk Bicycle and Ski Club |
Weather Conditions: Suuny, light winds, 85°F, low humidity |
Finished this 5/5 week with commute #84
I am planning on riding a century + tomorrow, so I skipped riding during lunch today and took my MDAS route home.
I intentionally went around every hill that I could, started coasting whenever my speed got above 8 mph, and climbed the unavoidable hills in my lowest gear (30-34). Probably my slowest commute home ever, at least I hope so. It was kind of fun to just ignore my speed/time and look around a bit. I should lighten up more--I have fun when I do. However, I think that it would get old pretty fast--nice for a change of pace though.
Sorry for the rambling
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