Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 69.98 miles Altitude Gain: 2,959 ft Avg Speed: 15.88 mph
Route: Wyncoop Creek Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 145 bpm Avg HR: 112 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Litespeed Vortex Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sunny 80 F SE wind @ 12 mph
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<< Prev Ride  Sunday, June 9, 2019  Next Ride >>
 Spin in the Wind
Fairly windy day found me with tired legs. Weather forecast for upcoming week looked atrocious between predicted rains and high winds so went out anyway. Took a long slow ride in the small chainring. Headed for Wyncoop Creek into a nasty wind and ended up doing thirty five miles into it. Ride only has two hills and didn't put any effort into either of them. Highlight of the day was seeing another riding ahead of me. This is the first time this year with a couple thousand miles of riding in the area that I was coming up on another rider. I haven't been passed yet either so it seems to be a lack of riders and not my slow pace causing the rare sightings. The rider was about a half mile ahead of me heading for Alpine Junction. Picked up the pace to try to catch the rider and hopefully catch some relief from the wind. The rider was around a half mile ahead with only four miles to the junction so didn't seem like good odds for a catch unless the rider went straight thru the light and stayed on my course. I did close enough though that I caught him at the red light. He was riding between Watkins and Endicott and would have to push much more wind than I would. We road together for a few miles but were hampered by the thank you mums cut into the shoulder. He said he had complained to the NYSDOT about the issue and was told they were for his safety. Don't understand the logic to making cyclists ride in the road as opposed to on the shoulder, but the state knows best. He also said that another official at the DOT told him that the thank you mums were only supposed to be on shoulders greater than six foot. In Schuyler and Chemung counties they are on shoulders of less than two feet making the shoulders useless for cycling. The other rider fell behind on the rollers before Spenser and we parted ways as I went up Wyncoop. The hill wasn't bad but another fifteen miles into the wind was no picnic. Stopped in Chemung for the traditional Coke and Zingers before catching a tail wind home. Went through Wellsburg instead of Lowman with the hope I would get less crosswind since I would be less exposed. Ride from Elmira was fairly easy and was surprised to find that the state had finally cleared the debris from cutting in the thank you mums from the shoulder south of Montour. That section had been unusable since they performed the operation last August. The road wasn't much better being full of potholes but it was a good place to pick up hubcaps as there are usually two or three found alongside the road. The only reason they cleaned up the debris is in preparation for paving which would should commence this week. Hopefully they won't recut the thank you mums into the new pavement. Would be much safer if the state would sweep the debris off the shoulders but that seems to be a service that is no longer provided.

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Lifetime: 104,688 mi
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Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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