I've Got Something to Say
I’ve been having some strange vision problems with my right eye for a few months now. When I saw my optometrist back in the middle of May, I explained to him some of the problems I was experiencing. Part of my vision, mostly in my upper peripheral, was obscured, most of the time just a little bit, but occasionally for a brief time the top 1/4 to 1/3. It would be like someone pulling a window shade down. He dilated my eyes to examine them better, and did not find anything; so he told me to come back if it didn't get better in a few weeks. I called his office this morning and was able to get in and see him at 10:15. He dilated my right eye and found some separation in my retina. Before I left his office I had an appointment to see an ophthalmologist at 1:30. At the 1:30 appt, both of my eyes were dilated, and he confirmed the separation in the lower portion of my retina, but could not verify a tear that would allow the eye fluid to get behind the retina. Either way, surgery is needed. I will probably have the procedure done this Thursday (7/16), otherwise it will be next Monday - those are the days he does surgery. I will be contacted by the scheduling person sometime tomorrow. I will be out during the procedure, and though I'm not exactly sure the length of recovery time, he did warn me it will hurt (and a co-worker of Jacque's that had this procedure done last year, with the same Dr, said it hurt).
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