Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 33.18 miles Altitude Gain: 1,470 ft Avg Speed: 15.13 mph
Route: Sullivinville Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 141 bpm Avg HR: 99 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Overcast 77 F SSW Wind @ 4 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Friday, August 2, 2024  Next Blog >>
 Easy Ride
Cold continues to worsen so rode easy today. Headed into the wind up SR 14 to Horseheads then headed over to Sullivinville to do the long grade up SR 13 and the subsequent downhill to the Junction. Had no power in legs and just spun up the hill. Returned to Odessa via Jackson Hill Rd and tried the legs out sprinting the short climb. Felt pretty good out of the saddle and that was the highlight of the day. Rest of the ride was coasting back to Odessa and another fast descent to Montour Falls. Not a very good day on the bike but got some decent miles in.

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Lifetime: 103,287 mi
Member No. 37801
Member since: Dec 2009
Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
Road bike
Schuyler County Cycling Club

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