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<< Prev Entry  Tuesday, August 19, 2008  Next Entry >>
Yesterday I wrote briefly about politics and how I'd probably vote for Bob Barr for president, (even though Barrack Obama is a White Sox fan) even though I didn't agree with some of his stands on some social issues. Well, I came to that conclusion because I've always been a Libertarian as long as I've had any interest in politics, and Barr is running as a Libertarian.

For many years now, I've always thought it was hopeless for Libertarians to run against Republicans and Democrats as a third party, when the system is set up against them. They had no chance of winning. Well it seems they finally caught on to my way of thinking, because recently both major parties had a candidate with a very libertarian platform. Mike Gravel as a Democrat and Ron Paul as Republican. The Libertarian Party still continues and has a candidate for president, former Republican Bob Barr.

However, I started thinking about the areas I disagreed with Barr and had some internal struggles with the idea of voting for the lesser of 3 evils, (which is a vote for evil) so I did some research. I found a website with ALL of the candidates views on topics of Individual Rights, Domestic Issues, Economic Issues and Defense/ International Issues.

There is a quiz you can take with questions in all of these areas, and your score will show what candidates you agree with the most.
The test is pretty basic, but does a good job of covering most of the bases on
important issues. I highly recommend clicking on each question for a more in
depth explanation of the question, as sometimes the questions don't always mean exactly what you think they mean. (Hey, it's politics)
Another problem with the test is politicians taking both sides of an issue.
Barrack Obama is on record as supporting the separation of church and state but
also said he wants to rename and continue Bush’s faith-based programs. Which are a clear violation of the Constitution. I found several contradictory statements in my (short) research.

So, first I have to think about the issues that mean the most to me. Will this really effect me in my everyday life?
Will my life be better? Will America be a better place? I'm an idealist and I'd like America to be the best it can be.
I came up with my list of important issues, and a brief thought on the topic...
(in alphabetical order)
Abortion Rights... A tricky issue because I believe it comes down to a matter of opinion. Your opinion on when life begins. This is not a black and white issue, there are religious, scientific and medical people on both sides of the issue for a reason, It's a matter of opinion, and the government has no business in telling
us what we should think. And, I don't think the government should have a say in a woman's personal decision to reproduce or not. We all agree that there is life at birth.
Civil Rights... A no brainer, I oppose discrimination based on Race, Personal Sexual Preferences, Religion, Gender...
Death Penalty... Murder is wrong, period. What does it say about us as a nation when we allow our government to murder its own citizens? It's barbaric and uncivilized.
Immigration... Some politicians want to put up a fence/wall on the Mexican border. Like the Berlin Wall? Yeah, like that was a good idea.
Patriot Act... Throws too much of the Constitution in the toilet. Read the 4th Amendment.
Separation of Church and State... The Founding Fathers thought it was such a great idea, they created a government around it. The very first Amendment.
Taxes... I gotta admit, I'm not fond of them, and I'd like to keep more
of my hard earned money and pay a lot less in taxes.
War... Can't we all just get along? I think we can do better. And torture is pure evil.
War on Drugs... What a waste of money, time and lives. Again, the government trying to dictate (poor) personal choices.

So I take the test, answer the questions, and push the the button to see my score...
What a surprise! I'm expecting to see Libertarians topping my list, and what do I see? Ralph Nader at 43%!!! (69% on Social / 25% on Economic) With 40%, Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party was in a 3 way tie for 2nd, with Brian Moore Socialist Party. And Gloria La Riva from the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Obama was next at 30%. Barr at 23%. McCain was last at 8%.
Hmmm, it looks like the candidates I agree with on economics, I don't agree with on social issues. And the ones I agree with on social issues are for bigger and more government.
Go figure.
On social issues 3 candidates matched 69%, Nader, McKinney And Moore. Economic leaders were Barr 38%, (but 0% on social) 33% for Chuck Baldwin - Constitution Party (6% social) and La Riva with 29%.

I have one major problem with Mr. Nader. He was responsible for banning the Stik-Shift on the Schwinn Krates in 1973!!! Hey, I'm KrateKraig, How can I vote for him????

I may have to take the test again...

Live Long and Prosper.
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