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 Ride Stats
Distance: 15.36 miles Route: Chequamegon Short & Fat Time: 00:00:00
Avg Speed: 8.75 mph Max Speed: 27.00 mph Avg HR: 141 bpm
Max HR: 157 bpm Calories Burned: 0 Weight: 185
Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: XC Bike: Cannondale Rush Trail/AM
Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions: Sunny. Hot. 82°.
Ride Description: Short & Fat 16 Race. W/Sue...
Felt better than last year, but I still felt like I was having a heart attack for an hour and forty-five minutes. And I would slow down when the pain got too bad. The start was very fast and I got passed a lot before reaching the dirt. But I have to take it easy the first 20 minutes or it will be a real bad day. Couldn't really push too hard all day. Did have a 27 mph max speed though!

OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS: Time: 01:44:35.7 - 9.17 Avg. / 698th of 866 Finishers. / 509th of 579 Men. / 63rd of 73 M 50-54 Finishers.
It took 1 minute and 25 seconds to get to the starting line.

Distance: 0.75 miles Route: Pre & Post Race Time: 00:00:00
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Max Speed: 0.00 mph Avg HR: 0 bpm
Max HR: 0 bpm Calories Burned: 0 Weight: 185
Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cannondale Rush Trail/AM
Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions:
Ride Description: To and from the start - finish line, and car.
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, September 19, 2009  Next Blog >>
 Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival.
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The Short & Fat 16...
Or, the Short & Smart, as we like to call it.

I felt better than last year, but I still felt like I was having a minor heart attack for an hour and forty-five minutes. And I would slow down when the pain got too bad. The start was very fast and I got passed a lot before reaching the dirt. But I have to take it easy the first 20 minutes or it will be a real bad day. Couldn't really push too hard all day.

I think I'll quit taking the BP drugs this week and see how I feel for the Kettle Fall Festival Race.

Sue stayed with me until Big Bertha, then she took off. She beat me by 3 and a half minutes.

OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS: Time: 01:44:35.7 - 9.17 Avg. / 698th of 866 Finishers. / 509th of 579 Men. / 63rd of 73 M 50-54 Finishers.

It took 1 minute and 25 seconds to get to the starting line after the race started.

The new Sara Balbin sculpture will go in front of the new CFTF building in Cable. It is very kool!

Yes, the guy in the gecko suit beat me.

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Lifetime: 26,503 mi
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Home: Roscoe, IL 
Specialized Turbo Como 4.0
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Secular Cycleism

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