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 Ride Stats
Distance: 5.06 miles Route: Chequamegon FTF Sunday Funday Time: 00:00:00
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Max Speed: 0.00 mph Avg HR: 0 bpm
Max HR: 0 bpm Calories Burned: 0 Weight: 185
Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: XC Bike: Cannondale Rush Trail/AM
Club: Secular Cycleism
Weather Conditions: Sunny. Nice. 74°.
Ride Description: W/Sue...
We did the group Rough Stuff Rendezvous Poker Ride, with our Chequama Mama guide Jan.
I'd have no clue out there on my own. This was mostly riding the xc ski trails at Telemark.
We did about 52 minutes of riding time, but spent a lot of time looking at the map. Jan knows the trails like the back of her hand, so it wasn't too hard for her.
We skipped one checkpoint and only drew 6 cards. I had a pair of 5's (King High) Sue had nothing.
Then we forgot to see if I won anything at the end of the day. The top 20 hands won a prize.

My Klunker Toss was over 20' and my Slow Race was 23 seconds.
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<< Prev Ride  Sunday, September 20, 2009  Next Ride >>
 Sunday Funday.
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At the Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival.

We did the Rough Stuff Rendezvous Poker Group Ride, with our Chequama Mama guide Jan. Sort of an introduction to orienteering.
I'd have no clue out there on my own. This was mostly riding the xc ski trails at Telemark.
We did about 52 minutes of riding time, but spent a lot of time looking at the map. Jan knows the trails like the back of her hand, so it wasn't too hard for her.
We skipped one checkpoint and only drew 6 cards. I had a pair of 5's (King High) Sue had nothing.
Then we forgot to see if I won anything at the end of the day. The top 20 hands won a prize.

My Klunker Toss was over 20' and my Slow Race was 23 seconds.

The only way I'll ever get on the podium is when it is left unattended.

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Lifetime: 26,503 mi
Member No. 13469
Member since: Mar 2006
Home: Roscoe, IL 
Specialized Turbo Como 4.0
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Secular Cycleism

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