Ride Stats |
Time: 02:42:22
Swamp Rabbit Trail
30.28 miles
Avg Speed:
11.19 mph
Max Speed:
25.20 mph
Altitude Gain:
949 ft
Blood Sugar: 0 mg/l
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: -0.8%
Headwind: 55% @ 2.9-10.3mph
Longest Headwind: 28m 3s
Air Speed: 11.3mph
Temp: 79.6-83°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr |
I rode the Trek from home to meet Ken at Cleveland Park. I went out to Verdae first. We were riding to the café when Ken had a flat, so we pulled off and he changed it. We made it to the café where they had an ice cream trailer and a party going to Officer Mike. He had friends and family there with him. Jacque and Mary had there kids there. Mike's mother was there. I talked to Mike, his mother, his daughter, watched his grandson. I talked with Kimberly and Errol. I met Pamela that rides with our group. I also talked with Ty and gave him my perspective of an incident that happened over 10 years ago. After that Ken and I rode to Furman where we talked with Jeff Knox' parents. We rode back to the park and I rode home.
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