Ride Stats |
Time: 04:33:58
Bill & SRT
32.44 miles
Avg Speed:
7.10 mph
Max Speed:
30.40 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,687 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: 3%
Headwind: 55% @ 3.9-14.4mph
Longest Headwind: 34m 36s
Air Speed: 7.3mph
Temp: 45-61.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr |
I left the house on the Surly this morning headed for Cleveland Park. By the time I got there I had no front brakes. Also my rear brakes were nearly run out, so I was really short on brakes. I had to make a couple of Fred Flintstone stops on steep hills. At Cleveland Park I met, John, Kimberly, and Nancy. Then Keith showed up but when he discovered that it would be a slow, long ride he took off as he had somewhere to be in a couple of hours. The four of us rode to Bill's then the five of us took off with Bill leading the way. We rode to Cleveland Park where John cut out then we rode the trail to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe. Then we rode to Hampton Village and stopped at Due South Roasters for a cafe au lait and I bought a sweet bun for Cissi. We rode over the Hampton Avenue Bridge back to the Commons where Kimberly had another coffee and bought one for Bill. Then we rode back through the park and to Bill's. I adjusted my rear brakes so that I would be safe riding home. We rode back to the park, then I headed for home. I stopped on Hillside and talked with Pat for a good while, then I rode home.
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