Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 01:46:54 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 15.29 miles
Avg Speed: 8.58 mph Max Speed: 0.00 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Upper 50s and mostly overcast wth little wind
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<< Prev Ride  Saturday, December 2, 2017  Next Ride >>
 Swamp ROMP
Today I drove to the Cafe to ride with the Swamp ROMP. Six of us left the Cafe - Joe, Wilson, Keith, Rita, Donna, and me. We rode along together with me taking my spot as the caboose. Donna was struggling to keep up so she and I were bringing up the rear. At Furman we met Kathy, her husband Marty, and stepdaughter Jae. I rode with Jae once last summer and we really hit it off. She asked Kathy if I would be riding again. Once they joined us it sorted out with Marty and me bringing up the rear. We had a good time chatting up the trail. Once we were in Travelers Rest the group settled on going to Up Country Provisions and Bistro for lunch. I had a traveler sandwich (roast beef, with bacon and feta cheese with sauerkraut) with chips, a pickle slice, and a cup of decaf. I sat with Marty, Kathy, and Jae and had a good time talking with Jae. She is big into soccer and I still have a ton of Krsiten soccer stories to share, so we had a good time talking. Kathy, Marty, and Jae left early to get home. When the rest of us left Rita left the group to ride home. Once we got going Donna and I were at the rear again. We chatted the whole way back down the trail. The Cafe had the Holiday Flea going on and it was packed. I could hear a blue grass group playing when we got back. It was a good ride.

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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