Ride Stats |
Time: 03:12:44
Swamp Rabbit Trail
33.11 miles
Avg Speed:
10.31 mph
Max Speed:
30.40 mph
Altitude Gain:
942 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Weather Impact: -3.6%
Headwind: 51% @ 4.4-14.2mph
Longest Headwind: 45m 51s
Air Speed: 10.2mph
Temp: 75.3-90.9°F
Precip: 1% @ 0.03 Inch/hr |
This morning I left home on the Surly to ride with the Swamp Rabbit Casual Riders Club (formerly the Swamp ROMP). Today was Joe, Jeff, Wilson, Randy, Liz, Kristin, and me. The weather was hot and muggy and the trail was crowded. I dropped to the rear and talked with Joe for a good bit. Then I talked to Kristin, who came from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I talked with Liz and I believe that Liz is looking for a man to ride with during the week, so she will feel safer out there. So we may hook up and ride during the week. The group rode to the Sunoco out close to the end. Joe doesn't like dropping down to the end, but I went anyway as it is shaded and 15-20 degrees cooler. It's a refreshing spot at the north end. We rode back down the trail with the group stopping often to rest and drink. Liz stopped at Sulphur Springs Road since she lives right there. The rest of us rode back to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe where Randy and Kristin left. Wilson wanted to eat at White Duck Taco, but I warned them that Jeff would panic once he was off the trail. But Wilson was insistent. I told Jeff that I knew how to get there and only ride the streets for two half block increments. Joe and I promised to keep him between us and I warned Joe and Wilson that He could get into a panic attack. He was scared but he made it. The line was long, but we endured the line to get our order in. I had a Tokyo Tuna on lettuce and a Bangkok Shrimp on lettuce with unsweetened tea and water. We sat and talked for a good bit outside in the shade. Then we rode back to the trail the same way that we got there and I kept Jeff with me. Once we were back on the main trail, he still didn't know where he was. He finally figured out where he was when we crossed Willard Street to get on the new section on the Commons side of the river.I rode with him back to his building then I went up Broad Street by the Peace Center to Falls Street, then Camperdown to Cleveland Street and back to Cleveland Park. I stopped at the zoo entrance for a drink and turned on my blinkies to head for home. I took Washington to Laurens and climbed the big hill back to East North Street to get home.
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