Bicycle Music   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 6.55 miles Route: Kin-Mor-Way Trails Temp: Min: 18
Avg: 19
Max: 20
Time: 01:05:30 Avg Speed: 6.00 mph Max Speed: 13.60 mph
Avg HR: 0 bpm Max HR: 0 bpm Calories Burned: 0
Weight: 195 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Terrain: Off: XC
Bike: Felt Lebowske / Fat Bike Electric Club: Ice Bike
Weather Conditions: Sunny. Calm. 89% Humidity.
Ride Description: Nice morning ride before going out of town
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 2015 - Year in Review.
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2015 The Numbers...

SINGLETRACK... 134 rides - 1299.73 miles = 9.70 avg. // Avg. Speed 7.66 // #9 Overall - #1 Illinois.

ALL OUTDOOR... 177 rides - 2211.77 miles = 12.49 avg. // Avg. Speed 9.23 // #1193 Overall - #60 Illinois.

ALL OFF-ROAD... 149 rides - 1629.26 miles = 10.93 avg. // Avg. Speed 8.37 // #62 Overall - #7 Illinois.

ALL ROAD... 28 rides - 582.51 miles = 20.80 avg. // Avg. Speed 12.52.

ICE BIKE... 35 rides - 259.41 miles = 7.41 avg. // Avg. Speed 6.32.

NIGHT RIDES... 22 rides - 181.68 miles = 8.26 avg.

BEACH RIDES... 1 ride - 18.04 miles = 18.04 avg.

Individual Bikes...

Lebowske - 105 rides - 1487.68 miles = 14.17 avg. // 9.80 Avg. Speed // Longest - 51.15 miles.

FrosTi - 33 rides - 312.43 miles = 9.47 avg. // 7.36 Avg. Speed // Longest - 18.04 miles.

- 9 rides - 79.43 miles = 8.83 avg. // 6.67 Avg. Speed // Longest - 16.43 miles.

- 10 rides - 53.02 miles = 5.30 avg. // 6.33 Avg. Speed // Longest - 10.72 miles.

Domane - 3 rides - 48.60 miles = 16.20 avg. // 11.09 Avg. Speed // Longest - 18.60 miles.

Six13 - 4 rides - 33.31 miles = 8.33 avg. // 10.70 Avg. Speed // Longest - 20.57 miles.

Krampus - 4 rides - 32.55 miles = 8.14 avg. // 7.70 Avg. Speed // Longest - 12.47 miles.

Apple Krate - 0 rides.

2015 was a busy and exciting year.
It started with a lot of snow and I was very busy snowshoeing the trails into riding shape.

I kept my Team SnowBike Enduro streak alive by attending the race at Silver Lake Park. We donated $ but did not race as I had my LEBOWSKe, we did ride one lap of the course. Conditions were very icy and Sue fell hard a couple times.

I held my 2nd Backyard Fat-Bike Time Trial and it was a hoot again. 12 fun folks attended this year, up from the 8 that showed up last year. Steve Forrs was consistently fast but Mark Melton won by 3 seconds. Randy from Area 251 brought a couple KHS Fatties and Mark brought a couple Specialized Fatboy's for people to ride. What a blast.

We volunteered for the 3rd Fat-Bike Birkie. Over 750 fat bikes on the Birkie Trail was a stunning sight to behold.

We rode the ice road from Bayfield to Madeline Island. It was actually a low key race, but we couldn't stay long so we left early and cut the course short. Sue fell on the glassy ice a few times so I got her studded Dillinger's for xmas.

We did a Gravel grinder ride with NCC in the Spring. Later in the year our favorite people at our favorite bike shop all left and the store was sold. We have not yet met the new owners. Sue bought a folding Brompton bicycle when Chad gave her a deal she could not refuse.

I built a new outer loop of singletrack in the quarry with John's help. It is on a little higher ground and less susceptible to flooding when we get too much moisture. And it's fun to ride.

I went to Europe for the first time. We hit Brussels, Bruges, Amsterdam and did a Bike & Barge cycling tour in The Netherlands. Europe is amazing. It's like going into a future civilization where they enjoy bikes, electric cars, windmills and really old buildings.

We did the Janesville Pie Ride again! I'm beginning to enjoy the LEBOWSKe for road rides because I am now able to climb hills slightly faster than a three legged turtle.

We rode the Sugar River Trail as I tested the battery range on the LEBOWSKe.

CAMBA retired the Festival Of The Trails and held a CAMBA Ramble instead. We rode with some really fun people from the Namakagon Trailhead.

I had Chad at NCC build me a sweet road wheelset for my LEBOWSKe. The Black Floyd tires on Schlick Northpaw rims is much better on the rode than knobbies.

We did the Roun'da Manure ride again. Great day, got caught in a sudden unexpected downpour.

I rode the Sugar River Trail again, this time with Mike & Michelle. We rode to the tunnel and then to New Glarus to eat. Round trip was over 51 miles, my longest ride of the year on the LEBOWSKe.

I brought my LEBOWSKe to Mom & Dad's to let them try it. The used to ride a lot and love to ride but quit because the hills where getting too difficult. They would buy their own Trek e-bikes from Chris at Zion Cyclery a few weeks later. Mom can't stop giggling whenever she rides it. I can't wait to join them on the Lake Namakagon ride around the lake.

We volunteered for the 1st RAW - Ride Across Wisconsin, a 175 mile one day ride across the state. Amazing event and our friend Kathy, who is a huge Jens Voigt fan got to meet him. I got a great picture of them.

I finally rode a few new CAMBA trails I hadn't ridden before. And thanks to the LEBOWSKe made it to the High Point of the trail system.

Sue got a SUP, stand up paddleboard, and we paddled a small lake.

We took the ferry from Bayfield to Madeline Island and explored by bike. We found many wonderful sights and plan to come back, camp and explore some more.

The Namakagon Chief burned down. We stayed in their little cabins many times as a kid.

We did some more camping at Peninsula State Park in Door County Wisconsin. I love that park.

I've been in the Ledges for many years and for the first time we went to see what goes on at the Ledges Sporting Horses place on Love Road. Even with us not being "horse people", we found it very interesting.

Once again we rode our bikes and watched the Regatta on the Rock River. Always a fascinating and fun time.

We hiked our favorite section of the North Country Trail, they built a couple new reroutes to move the trail out of low wet areas.

One evening I went out back for a quick bike ride on the Moots FrosTi before dinner and before it got dark. And my ride was joyfully interrupted by a gorgeous and playful little Red Fox. At first I scared it out of the high grass, but then it would keep following me, prancing along the singletrack usually 30, but sometimes only 10 feet behind me. When I would stop, it would stop and sit. If I stayed still for too long it would yawn a lot, then lay down and attempt to sleep. I would take off in the opposite direction and it would follow me again. We played for about 20 minutes before it heard something and quickly took off and left the quarry.

We rode the trails at Emma Carlin again. We forgot how tough it was and the mileage signs were way off. We were pretty tired after that ride.

November 20th we got 17 inches of snow! For five hours I snowshoed a short spur and loop to the quarry with the hope of getting in some fat bike riding. Unfortunately the show never had a chance to set up firm enough to ride and warm weather immediately melted all the snow in a week.

We went to see the #1 Wisconsin Women's Hockey team in Madison. Always good hockey and a good time.

We were just going to donate $ to the Winter Color Festival and not race because I only brought my Felt Electric LEBOWSKe and I didn't want to stir any controversy, but Andy insisted I race. So we did. Not only did we get the awards for "Most Fun"/"Reverse Race" (Top 3 slowest), we had a great day riding for a great cause, in great conditions!

We finally got out and hiked around the Nygren Wetland Area trail. It was very interesting, although we didn't see any cool wildlife, we will return.

December was the second wettest and warmest on record. We had a lot of water in the quarry for most of the month. When it finally got cold we had a lot of ice on the trails.

Late December we got a day of sleet, rain and snow followed by cold weather creating incredible crust like riding conditions. I was finally able to get in a lot of riding.

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  KrateKraig click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 26,503 mi
Member No. 13469
Member since: Mar 2006
Home: Roscoe, IL 
Specialized Turbo Como 4.0
Electric bike
Secular Cycleism

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