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BBB - Bed, Bike & Breakfast  

This is the attempt to start a growing list of avid bikers who can envision providing a bed, biking information to other club members traveling in their area

Therefore, it is reasonable for each club member to provide a rough idea about his or her location. However, no full name/address/contact info is necessary, but it will be sufficient to allow for other club members to you to their buddy list and, thus, be able to contact you directly when in need of a "Bed, Bike & Breakfast" in your area
2024 Miles Traveled: 0
6 club members, club admin: bxa
Member Location Primary Club Primary Bike
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2024 miles
1 bxa Frankfurt A.., Germany Cycle Time Century Trek 1500 road 0
2 hairykiwi Dunedin, FL Secular Cycleism Mekk Poggio road 11,055
3 Pofig Coral Sprin.., FL Motorola Bicycle Lea.. Specialized Hard.. 0
4 rrago_thabo Tamarac, FL Motorola Bicycle Lea.. Co-Motion speedster .. 0
5 SteveWilson premier member Tucson, AZ GABA Tucson Breezer Uptown 8 26".. 205
6 vita Tamarac, FL RUSA - Randonneurs U.. Co-Motion speeds.. 0

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