Premier Club Membership
Did you know that premier clubs can save up to 85% or more over the already low cost of individual premier membership? Consider making premier membership a club benefit today!
Premier club membership is available to all clubs listed on bikejournal. This can be a great way to extend bikejournal premier membership benefits to all members of your club at highly discounted rates. (see club rates)
Clubs can go premier by making a discounted yearly lump-sum payment which will give all members in your club premier membership benefits. This can be useful for centrally-located clubs that would like to offer bikejournal premier membership as part of their club membership benefits. A reasonable membership growth throughout the year following payment is acceptable as well; that is, new members to your club will be extended the premier membership, up to a limit based on your club size at the time of going premier. Fees will be re-assessed at the end of the yearly cycle based on your new club size.

If collecting a lump-sum is not feasible, you can still earn the premier club polka-dot jersey if your club has with 50% or more members with individual premier memberships. This is particularly helpful for state-, country-, or world-wide clubs and associations with no central location. Remember that premier benefits will only apply to those individual members who have gone premier in this case.

Premier membership benefits are listed on the premier page in the MISC menu. Please email with any questions you may have. Thanks for your support!

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