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Biking With Beanize (BWB)
Event: Biking with Beanzie (7/20/2008)
Google Map:
Location: DeKalb, Illinois
Ride Type: Road: Flat
Distance: 101 miles Total Climbing: 2755 ft Max Altitude: 988 ft
Max Grade: 4 % Average Grade: 1 %

click to enlarge WARNING: The below information is based on the 2007 ride. Routes can (and frequently do) change from year to year.
101-mile Route Map (Elevation Profile) (Cue Sheet Pg 1) (Cue Sheet Pg 2)
63-mile Route Map (Elevation Profile) (Cue Sheet)
48-mile Route Map (Elevation Profile) (Cue Sheet)
22-mile Route Map (Elevation Profile) (Cue Sheet)

BWB is a recreational ride sponsored by Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club of DeKalb. Supported by Kishwaukee Valley Bicycle Club, DeKalb County 4-H, and League of Illinois Bicyclists. Proceeds go to fund Bicycle Pathway Projects within DeKalb County.

BWB route options include 22, 48, 63 mile and 101 mile loops. The ride route primarily consists of flat rural roads with some rolling terrain. The 48, 63, and 101 routes wind through scenic Lake Shabbona State Park and the Lee County windmill farm. All roads are paved, lightly traveled, and posted with signs of Beanzie humor and ride information. BWB is easy to navigate because of well-marked routes, an overview route map, and easy-to-read cue sheets.

Rest stops (water. gatorade, bagels, fruit, and a variety of other food options) are provided on all routes. Friendly sag wagon drivers are knowledgeable about the route and bicycling.
- submitted by GTDBike
Stats: 2 members using this route
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Biking With Beanzie (2007): "This is a very flat course. If you want to avoid hills, this is a very choice ride. If you want the challenge of hill, well, head farther north. Lots of rest & water s..." [more] - GTDBike

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