I_meant2do_that member offline
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Alameda, California
Club Affiliations: NorCal BikeForums
Team Alameda
Member Since: December 2007 5 Year Distance Chart
2025 Miles Traveled: 0
2025 Rank: currently unranked
Lifetime Odometer: 2,904 miles

click to enlarge
Began riding road bikes in the mid 80's in the Palo Alto foothills on a Tsubaki road bike. It was just for working out to enhance my motorcycle racing. 20 something years later, I wiped the dust off, tuned it up and tried to start riding again. This bike is my 2nd longest relationship besides my wife who was my highschool sweetheart. Nice thing about the Tsubaki, it lets me ride other bikes like my Santa Cruz Blur, Orbea Opal, Specialized Langster New York edition, and just recently, an Orbea Orca in Red. Great thing about my wife, she let me buy them and ride them too! :D 
2009 Specialized Langster - Tokyo
Single Speed Road bike

Lifetime Odometer: 83.0 miles

click to enlarge 2008 Orbea Orca
Road bike
Description:  The newest addition to the stable. It replaced my '06 Opal (red) that my son inherited. Red, Durace, Ksyrium ES, Vredestein Tri-Comps

Lifetime Odometer: 1,745.6 miles

2007 Specialized Langster New York
Single Speed Road bike
Description:  It's bright and brings out smiles and approving nods from people I see. I bought it to commute on and the it has helped to make me stronger and faster on my geared bikes.

Lifetime Odometer: 586.6 miles

click to enlarge 2005 Santa Cruz Blur
Full Susp XC Mountain bike
Description:  My first full suspension mtb. It's red, XT, Mavic 717 w/DT Swiss 240 hubs, Hays disc brakes, Thompson post & stem. Alot of fun on the trails and makes riding the San Francisco streets butter smooth on those days I use it to commute...just because. =) I have recently had the forks and rear shock rebuilt by Push. WOW...what a difference!

Lifetime Odometer: 242.0 miles

2002 Cannondale RT3000
Tandem Road bike

Lifetime Odometer: 36.8 miles

other unknown
Road bike
Description:  My first adult road bike. A friend came back from a stint in Japan with this bike. After a couple of months he asked if I wanted it. I was racing motorcycles at the time so said sure I can use it to work out on. This was 1983, it's a Tsubaki and I especially liked it because no one had ever heard of this brand and I have had ol blue since. I upgraded the brakes and cranks to Shimano EX600 and put neon orange tape with white outter cables, white bottle cage and white Look pedals. Just how ol Blue sits to this day. Used to have matching Gentleman Superman rims, but I used to ride this bike anywhere...really o.0

Lifetime Odometer: 200.3 miles

click to enlarge Lapierre Super Lux Youth 5 speed
Road bike
Description:  This is a LaPierre Youth 5 speed road bike. It has 500A tyres (approximately 20"). I had a Gitane 3sp as a youth that was similar. Found the bike on Craigslist so I bought it on a whim and did some freshening up with new bar tape, tyres and some elbow grease. It was a fun project and gets many smiles when I take it to Alameda Bicycle my local bike shop that I call home :D

Lifetime Odometer: 0.0 miles
No planned events for 2025

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