Ride Stats |
Time: 02:37:09
Bill & the SRT
16.08 miles
Avg Speed:
6.14 mph
Max Speed:
25.50 mph
Altitude Gain:
871 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Overcast skies with temps from 66 to 65 degrees, humidity from 78 to 85%, and winds from 10 to 8 mph |
Today we rode from Bill’s house to the Trail down to Cleveland Park. We cut across town and got back on the trail at Linky Stone Park then rode north to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe. We stopped in for a pair of apple caramel smoothies and oat berry shortbreads. We headed back down the trail when Luis S came in behind us. Lou and I chatted along with Bill back into town, through the parks, and south beyond First Baptist and behind Greenville Tech. Bill and I turned behind the bowling alley while Lou went on heading for home. We climbed the big hill at Eastlin Baptist and went back into Bill’s neighborhood.
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