Ride Stats |
Time: 01:44:23
Swamp Rabbit Trail
17.56 miles
Avg Speed:
10.09 mph
Max Speed:
0.00 mph
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: 70 to 76 degrees, sunny, and very windy |
Late this morning I drove to the Cafe to ride with the Swamp ROMP. Nine of us left the cafe - Joe, Bob, Keith , Ron, Steve, Art, Seneca, Inese, and me. Inese was struggling to keep up, so the two of us took quite a while to catch the crowd. At Furman Art and Inese turned back. The rest of us rode onto Travelers Rest, then we did some street riding to get to the Little Pigs. I had a regular B-B-Q plate with cole slaw and potato salad. The ride home was into the wind and pretty slow.
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