Ride Stats |
Time: 03:24:01
Doodle Trail, OBR, SRT
36.92 miles
Avg Speed:
10.86 mph
Max Speed:
30.40 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,195 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: -0.9%
Headwind: 50% @ 4.6-11.9mph
Longest Headwind: 47m 26s
Air Speed: 10.9mph
Temp: 66.8-73.5°F
Precip: 2% @ 0.05 Inch/hr |
I picked up Jeff this morning and we drove to Easley to ride the Doodle Trail with Seneca. Seneca brought his roommate Danielle along to ride. We got off to a slow start as Jeff was trying to help a lady with a flatted tire. Danielle set a very relaxed pace, but we spent a good time talking as we rode. Jeff rode with her for a while and I spent a good amount of time chatting with her. We rode about 5 miles and there was a bridge out. We could have ridden around it, but Jeff would have panicked at riding on the road. So we turned back. We finished then we drove to Amici Restaurant and I had a wedge salad and 6 lemon-pepper wings.
We finished and Seneca and Danielle had something to do in Easley, so Jeff and I drove back to Greenville. I parked the truck at the Southerner parking at 3 p.m. and headed to Hampton Avenue Bridge and out Old Buncombe Road. I got off at the Lakeview Spur and rode up the trail to Furman then looped the campus there and rode to the north end of the trail. I turned back and rode back to TR where I got on Old Buncombe and followed it around to where it crosses the trail and got back on it. I followed the trail south by the Commons and went back by Mayberry Park to the truck.
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