Ride Stats |
Time: 03:13:59
Swamp Rabbit Trail
29.53 miles
Avg Speed:
9.13 mph
Max Speed:
31.80 mph
Altitude Gain:
942 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: 3.5%
Headwind: 59% @ 3-10mph
Longest Headwind: 26m 49s
Air Speed: 9.4mph
Temp: 50.2-55.4°F
Precip: 9% @ 0.02 Inch/hr |
I rode the Surly to meet Jeff and Seneca. I went through Cleveland Park, but Furman Way is closed again. Several detours are back in place.I had Siri send Jeff a text as I was running behind. We rode up the trail although we got off at the restroom on the Furman trail. Then on to Travelers Rest. We stopped at Upcountry Provisions and I had a Blue and Gold salad. Then we headed back south. Mark and Ken caught us and I talked with Mark some. I also saw Kimberly when I was leaving the zoo. I stopped at church to check on New Years Day and talked with Andrew for a while.
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