Ride Stats |
Time: 03:11:16
Old Buncombe & SRT
37.53 miles
Avg Speed:
11.77 mph
Max Speed:
29.70 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,309 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: -0.8%
Headwind: 50% @ 4.8-12.7mph
Longest Headwind: 39m 11s
Air Speed: 11.7mph
Temp: 66.5-72.6°F
Precip: 9% @ 0.02 Inch/hr |
I met John, Keith, and Ken at the zoo to ride to the museum to see a holocaust railroad car. It wasn't a holocaust railroad car, but was a movie prop built to resemble a holocaust railroad car. Then we road to the Orange Line and I left the group. Ken didn't want to ride Old Buncombe Road and Keith didn't think he could ride far and John went with Ken. I road out Old Buncombe Road to the Lake view Spur. Then I rode up the trail to Furman where I did my longer loop. Then I road to the north end, but I had a guy draft on me to the north end. I rode back to the TRee House. I said Hello to Gene and Kristen and I had a blackberry bacon grilled cheese sandwich with a pineapple fruit cup. I also bought a berry walnut scone for Cissi.
I left the TRee House and met Ken and John coming north. That kind of surprised me. I passed an older couple coming out of Travelers Rest. I was riding a little faster than they were, but about 3 miles later she passed me and said "I didn't think I'd every catch you." I told her that if she wanted to catch me just wait until I was riding uphill. I drafted on her for about a mile. I was loafing as she was doing all the work, then I passed her and told her that once I was out of the draft that she'd likely pass me back. But she and her husband fell back pretty far. My legs were pretty tired from the ride.
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