Ride Stats |
Time: 03:27:29
SRT & Paris Mountain
35.80 miles
Avg Speed:
10.35 mph
Max Speed:
32.30 mph
Altitude Gain:
2,135 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: 0.6%
Headwind: 51% @ 4.3-11.4mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 1m 18s
Air Speed: 10.2mph
Temp: 76.1-86°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr |
I rode from home today and met Kimberly at the zoo entrance. I rode over the bridge on Laurens Road to get there. We rode up the trail and ran into a friend of Kimberly's name Marguerite and her dog Tiny. We rode to TR but she left after we turned to go to Leopard Forest. We stayed at Leopard Forest a good while. I bought a bottle of water as I had 2 large café au laits earlier. We rode over Paris Mountain and the ride toasted me. We rode from there to Due South Roasters at Hampton Station. I stopped at a Spinx and bought 2 large Propels as i had killed both of my bottles. We stayed at Due South Roasters a long time. I then ordered another café au lait. We rode back to Cleveland Park, where I rode up the paperclip and over the bridge.
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