Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 18.78 miles Time: 01:30:00 Max Speed: 29.50 mph
Avg Speed: 12.52 mph Temp: Max: 77 Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Hinkleyville to Hilton and back Weight: 229 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,275 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Sunny, Slight omni-directional Breeze, gusts U/10mph;

Distance: 5.76 miles Time: 00:31:00 Max Speed: 20.80 mph
Avg Speed: 11.15 mph Temp: Min: 60
Max: 65
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: around the "block" Weight: 228 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 325 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Temps falling; light winds:
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, August 14, 2008  Next Blog >>
 A Close Call
At the top of PineHill (after the climb), I stopped and re-adjusted the handle bar position on the Cruzbike. I think putting the handle bar grips in a perpendicular/forward position is the way to go on the recumbent in order to better assist with climbing. At the garage earlier, I re-adjusted the front brakes to compensate for pad wear. So I was riding high and mighty, pleased with my mechanical prowess and fine tuning abilities.

Sometimes traffic on Hinkleyville gets a little frenetic. Many motor vehicle commuters like to use Hinkleyville Road as a shortcut to and from Ridge Road and Route 531. It doesn't help that the 531 expressway ends on Rte.36/Washington Street/Hinkleyville Road! Perhaps the traffic and driver inexperience is what lead to the dangerous situation I was subjected to.

Heading North on Hinkleyville after turning off PineHill, about 500 feet from my driveway, a line of tailgating vehicles starts to pass me on the curve, crossing double yellow road markings in the process. It really is a stupid move on the part of these frustrated, "road rage borderline" commuters. But "stupid is as stupid does". I'm used to this type of "rush hour" frenetic stupidity. A total disregard, sometimes hostility, heaped upon cyclist and pedestrian alike -no problem. The perils of commuting "non-motor vehicular" are always cause for reflection. Keeping a wary eye on traffic and leaving an escape in dangerous situations, are always part of my safety plan!

The section of Hinkleyville Road where I live is a slalom of sort, winding and meandering into a gully. My driveway is off one of the curves with a 8-10% steep, short climb to the house.

On the Cruzbike doing 22-24mph, cars are starting to pass. There is a side street just ahead to the right about 150 feet before my driveway. As I approach the area, about to signal the right turn into my driveway, I'm coming up to the side street. Now signaling my turn into the driveway 150 feet beyond. Just then, a black sedan(Saturn) pulls along side, front wheels just ahead of my front wheel. The car slows and starts to steer to the right, cutting me off forcing me to the shoulder. Braking hard I start to yell. It looked like 3 or 4 kids(adolescents) were in the car. Is the driver playing some kind of stupid squeeze move on me? Maybe the driver doesn't think a bike should have any of the road when they come through -I don't know?

I'm yelling HEY! HEY!! A--holes, what the F--- are you doing?? I saw passengers looking back and laughing/smiling or so it appeared. I heard one them say "F---You!", back at me. Then they sped up and drove off.

I skid to a stop in my driveway and looked down the road trying to see where the sedan went. Directly behind the black sedan was a dump truck. It was obscuring my view of the car. I could see the 1/2 mile to the Ridge and the car was hidden directly in front of the dump truck.

I figured maybe I could catch them at the corner of Ridge Road and get their plate number. So I head North out of my driveway. about a 1/4 mile down I see the dump truck at the corner is moving. This would indicates that the car has made their turn. I see a car is heading South from the Ridge in the other lane. I did not see which direction the offending sedan had tuned. Maybe it was a Left, hard to tell clearly. In actuality, the driver of the sedan had done a U-turn maneuver right at the intersection of Ridge and Hinkleyville. Here comes the car heading back down Hinkleyville. The car that ran me off the road is heading back toward me. A U-turn at an intersection is a reckless, idiotic, dangerous maneuver!

As the car approaches from the north I move to the center of the road. Shaking my left index finger at them and trying to read the plate. As they approach where I am stopped, more F-You's from them, this time unsolicited as they drive by.

I do a U-turn, but pursuit is futile. It dawns on me those "kids" might have been trying to make a right turn onto the side street before my driveway. I pedal back to my driveway and park my bike.

Firing-up the Explorer, I head to the side street. First driveway has 2 black sedans. Up the street is another black sedan, That one is too shiny. I turn around, drive back slowly. Deciding on a whim to introduce myself at the house with 2 black sedans and the newest neighbors.

As I walk up to the front door I overhear a woman's voice: "here comes that F-ing A-hole to complain...!"

A middle aged (read: younger than me, in shape, cop/military hair cut) man comes to the door. Behind him is a slightly younger red headed woman, glaring and gesturing.
"Can I help you", he asks?
I explained what happened and he explained that his son just got his permit and panicked because of the Dump Truck tailgating him. He was going to talk with the boy and teach him better he said.
I understood all that, but the problem seems to be the over-aggressive woman who was in the car instructing the novice driver on procedures. These are my new neighbors! I bit my tongue.
Then I said, I'm glad to meet you. You seem like great neighbors. I've been glad nice people moved here...

...Not said but was thinking: Joy riding in rush hour with a VERY BAD INSTRUCTOR is not good sense...

I offered my hand and introduced my self as John Migliore, your neighbor who lives 2 doors away. He extended his hand, I gabbed and shook it in a normal, firm fashion. He winced immediately! Seems he just recently had a surgical procedure performed on his right hand. OOPS!

Things may be slightly unsettled around here for the time being.

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