Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 21.26 miles Time: 01:58:00 Max Speed: 25.00 mph
Avg Speed: 10.81 mph Temp: Min: 80
Max: 82
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Hinkleyville to Hilton and back Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,250 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Bianchi 32lb-Castro Valley Road Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Sunny, warm, windy! SW gusts over 25mph;
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<< Prev Blog  Monday, August 18, 2008  Next Blog >>
 Understanding Knee joint problems
A couple of years back I wrote a retrospect of the Knee joint problems and solutions which were representative of my situation. I've updated it a bit to re-post here:

As a young man, I was fairly athletic and physically active. I rode bike and hiked trail, climbed and jumped about exuberantly. Twenty six years ago, I was 28 years old with very sore knees. The diagnoses was of torn cartilage in 2 congenitally defective knees. I was encouraged to make a hasty decision for surgery. The surgeries did not improve my condition.

I had surgery first on my left knee. The times were pre-arthroscopic (around here anyway). In the case of my left knee I developed a post surgical infection that enabled me to develop an ability to expel fluid, forcefully from the incision site.

The incision site developed a bulge that took on the appearance of a "ripe Prickly Pear" sprouting from my leg. Reddish with purple tinges and a bumpy smooth texture with pores. I remember that the incision site itched terribly.

Eventually a drainage hole developed and a watery yellowish fluid drained for weeks. Remembering back, I would perform a stunt for the amusement/amazement(and disgust) of friends. Ejecting an amount of "knee juice" a considerable distance. This fluid was truly remarkable(a thick stream of synovial discharge shooting 2+ feet from my knee). During the rehab that Winter, I remember the fluid would express from my wound as I walked and would soak my pant leg with a dark wet spot.

The right knee had a more sophisticated arthroscopic procedure done. Dr.K. was enthusiastic about the "new" technique, I recall him telling me that "what was great about this type of procedure was that it would be easier to go back and touch-up the knee with more surgery when I felt it necessary".

The bottom line was each time I had surgery there was no great improvement in my condition. Having my own experiences and reading honest testimonials from others who seem as bewildered and resigned to the surgical outcomes as I was to mine, suggests that taking the slow and cautious approach in the future would be smarter.

Time has given me a perspective of caution about running to physicians for a "glorious healing".

Consulting medical authorities is a wise idea when you encounter a health condition. Equally important is to take notice of other people's conditions and their coping techniques. Any decision for surgery should be considered carefully, not with hope for a "miracle cure". When you are at the Orthopedists office look at the people there who have received their "cure". In addition to your physicians perspective, talk with the physicians "customers" too. The aging process is nothing more than educating yourself and acquiring the wisdom necessary to cope with getting older.

In 1999 an Orthopedic surgeon suggested I had the knees of an 85 year old man, 'course my humongous weight (about 247 then, peaked at 264 in 2004) had much to do with my condition.

Back then, I was not a good candidate for knee replacement because of my youth and excessive weight. A replacement joint could not be expected to function reliably for more than 5 to 8 years. I received some good advice from that doctor, though it took a few years for me to realize it. Dr. Nailer(not his real name) said I needed "a change in occupation". My interpretation of that advice meant that a change was needed in the way I do things as the aging process unfolded.

Surgery has not been the answer for me, so far. But, I may be running out of time forestalling the inevitable!

Meanwhile, I am riding my bikes thousands of miles a year. Setting new goals yearly, I hope to increase the miles as time allows in the future. Riding has helped my muscle tone, straightened my gait, and helped my weight loss (helps control my weight gain, actually). I'm still fat at 225-235lbs, I'm not giving up(too much pie though). No longer do I suspect having some kind of "ultra-efficient" metabolism. I just eat too much and am trying to change my ways!

For years (10) I took supplements such as Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM sulfates. I have found better results with additional calcium, vitamins C, and B complex, Flax and Borage seed oils, as well as Fish oils, and green tea. I also use performance enhancements such as caffeine, nicotine, ginseng and taurine, occasionally. Lately I am having a good result using a compound called "Joint MD" tm

So what's my bottom line perspective so far? Losing excess weight would be "a best course of action" for anyone as fat as me. Additionally, staying active physically in any way possible. Never give up, seek a unique method for coping with the unique realities of your situation.

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