Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:49:14 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 34.64 miles
Avg Speed: 12.28 mph Max Speed: 32.60 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Blood Sugar: 0 mg/l Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with temps from 75 to 80 degrees and winds from 3 to 5 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, April 13, 2019  Next Blog >>
 Ran Over a Groundhog
Today I rode to Cleveland Park to ride. Ken and Steve Y passed me in Ken’s car while I was on East North Street. Once there Steve S, Don H and his friend Daniel from Atlanta, Steve Y, Ken, and I headed up the trail. The closed section of the trail that runs underneath Cleveland Street and over to the Cancer Survivors Park is finally opened. We rode through there and through Falls Park. I rode far behind with Steve Y and we chatted along until we got to the Cafe. Then I rode up front and Ken rode along with Steve Y. Eventually Ken caught us and said that Steve didn’t feel well and had ridden back to the park. We were just about to go under the Highway 25 underpass when a groundhog ran out. Daniel ran over it with his rear wheel and I ran over it with my front wheel. The groundhog ran off and we all seemed to be okay. Neither of us wrecked and it didn’t seem to bother the bikes, but it certainly got our attention.

From there we rode on through Travelers Rest and to the north end of the trail. We stopped for a drink then started back south. We stopped at the train at Furman and Ken started talking to a guy there about some things the Spinners board was doing. Steve S was a little pushed for time, so he left us. We rode on down to the Cafe and stopped for a snack. I drank my bottle mix and ate a strawberry/almond scone and bought one to take home for Cis. Ken had to go so that left Don, Daniel, and me to sit and talk. Then Kimberly rolled in and Elissa came in and Don and Elissa’s friend Lonnie, so we had a group of six snacking and chatting at the Cafe. After a bit I was feeling the sun, so I told them goodbye and left. I rode back through Falls Park that was packed with walkers and climbed the big hill home.


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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,841 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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