Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 10.41 miles Time: 01:03:00 Max Speed: 31.10 mph
Avg Speed: 9.91 mph Temp: Min: 22
Avg: 23
Max: 24
Category: general: errand - solo
Route: east to Spencerport Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 550 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: lightly Overcast 5-10mph South changed to West wind
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<< Prev Blog  Monday, January 19, 2009  Next Blog >>
 January 's a write "WHITE-OFF"
I know the month isn't over but the weather situation of the preceeding week tells the tale...

Last year, January weather was mostly moderate during the first half of the month. Not this year! We're either experiencing a "weather acceleration" or a shifting of Winter's time table, or this truly is a more severe Winter. Februrary will tell the story, I expect. I've had no work commutes so far this month!

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hey John, you should think about getting studded tires, they are great in this kind of messy snow and iced roads.
posted by chipg5 on 1/19/2009 at 8:47:18 AM

Wouldn't that be a "white-off"?

And don't listen to Chip. Stay off the roads until it's at least 70°F. Cant be too safe, right? (And it'll give me a chance to get ahead of you in the mile rankings.)

posted by brucew on 1/19/2009 at 8:57:20 AM

Thanks for the advice and comment Bruce and Chip! More power to you(r) snow "STUDS". I've considered studs but I'm already such a slow roller I'd be hard pressed to do 7.5mph. Seriously!

I actually can ride on snow and icy roadway if I get caught in a storm, without too much of a problem. The big problem as you fellows know well is windchill, and for me it's my foot ware which I find mostly inadequate for temperatures below 15°F. Additionally I think Crank, Chain, Cassette, and Dérailleur wear at about a 50x greater pace than on warm, dry, unsalted road.

posted by bikerjohn on 1/19/2009 at 4:04:22 PM

Hang in there John, spring will come eventually! I have studs for my cx rig, but I've only gotten outside on that a few times this month (maybe tomorrow if it really gets into the 30's). I've been concentrating on indoor training seriously this year, we'll see if that helps in the spring.
posted by DENN1S on 1/21/2009 at 1:26:23 PM
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