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<< Prev Entry  Wednesday, January 14, 2009  Next Entry >>
 Cadenza update
I've been dealing with some serious back pain lately. Ginny has had a terrible cold. The weather has been exceptionally miserable and so goes the Winter, one of the worst in memory for cold and precipitation -so far!

I have been very busy these past two days and have not had any cycling activity during this time but... I have purchased and received the Dahon Cadenza and today I bought a 2001 Explorer Sport truck. Got a few loose ends to tie up with regard to the truck and new bike. So I'll be running around a bit more this week and may not get a ride in till Saturday. That's O.K. considering the extreme cold around here for the next few days -Sheesh!

About the new bike, the shipping box came through in pristine shape. That is always a good first sign that all will be well with the contents. My first impression with Dahon and the Cadenza is very very positive. The bike is a real gem of design, and finish. The $540 price seems like a incredible value!
Here's a little video I made:

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