Observation and Perspective
After 267 consecutive days of cycling, I'm done for a bit. Dislocated my Left knee today (while loading an 8 foot long picnic table with attached benches onto my truck).
Got a great deal on an eight foot picnic table. Sixty Seven Dollars and Twenty Five Cents, was the close-out price at Byrne Dairy for one of the last three Amish constructed tables. I couldn't resist the buy! In the process of loading the table onto my Explorer Sport Trac truck, I dislocated my knee with a resounding snap!
This is the second time I have dislocated my left knee in the past 2 years. The time before this episode, I was getting out of bed, that was June of 2009. Took me 3 weeks to get back to my usual gimp, but I never missed a day cycling back then. This time it seems a bit worse...
This type of thing happens occasionally with my torn and severed ACL's. I have dealt with congenitally deformed knees, since first getting the diagnosis in the late 1970's. After years of numerous twists, jumps, wrenching injuries, two cartilage operations, and decades of excessive weight, I was diagnosed as having Knees of an 85 year old man. That was back in 1999, I was only 45 years old then...
Yes I have been a candidate for knee replacements. My reluctance in embracing the artificial joint technology is about over. That is to say it seems to be time for a move in the direction of replacement...
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