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<< Prev Entry  Thursday, October 20, 2011  Next Entry >>
 Bought a Quest
After 8,000+ miles on my Sofrider Cruzbike, I've been completely convinced on the concept of SWB FWD recumbency. So today I pulled the trigger on the purchase of the new version Quest Cruzbike. My stable is back up to 5 bikes. I think it's time to sell or trade my Sofrider and my Globe Hybrid.
  • the price for my Quest purchase was $1825 including shipping -drop shipped sale through: myworld.ebay.com/bikingwizard/?_trksid=p4340.l2559
    I'm not sure thow long that sale price is being extended but I felt now was the right time to buy!

    Years ago when I began developing an interest in different bike designs, recumbency seemed like a sensible way to ride a bike. But I was unimpressed or should I say negatively impressed with the triple length chain drives, long wheel bases, and small wheels. After a bit of research and some trial rides on some 'bent designs, I was sure that for me the Short wheel base(SWB) was better than the Long wheel base designs. But the chain length bothered me until I stumbled upon the Front Wheel Drive(FWD) concepts.

    I'm a fairly competent research oriented consumer and the Cruzbike was an exciting design that has proved it's competency with a sound design concept. And having biked 8,000 miles over these past 3.5 years on the Sofrider, leaves me convinced this is great ride whether commuting or touring. I like my other bikes too, but recumbent designs just seem more sensible. Perhaps eventually I will become a recumbent only biker?

    The Quest has some upgrades in "new tech" biking such as an eccentric crank, plus an internal 3 speed hub paired with the 9 speed cassette not to mention Disc brakes too. And it's 11 pounds lighter than my current Cruzbike. I could have saved a few bucks buying a German made Flavobike -also a FWD design. But the Quest design seems more solid than Flavobike and it folds for compact shipping to take on vacations...

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