Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 15.50 miles Time: 01:31:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Temp: Min: 52
Avg: 55
Max: 58
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Hybrid Work Commute Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,000 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Dahon 32lb-Cadenza Folding Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Overcast & sprinkles;
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<< Prev Blog  Sunday, October 4, 2009  Next Blog >>
 Reminiscence of a grateful and happy soul
I was "Relief driver" at the Apple-fest today. What a blast!

I recognized a face familiar though not seen in several decades, "Beth" an old school chum -going back to Kindergarten through high school;
I felt embarrassed to not have been able to immediately put a name to her face. We went to school in East Irondequoit, way back when...(1959-72) We shared "Homeroom" in High School too -I think. High School is mostly a blur of impressions.

My goals in high School were mostly financial. I didn't make the most of the educational opportunities. The motivation from home was not prioritized toward furthering my education. Mostly in fact the emphasis was always from a financial perspective. AS a teenager I paid "rent" to live at home, $15 every week, bumped up to $20 dollars a week for my last year and a half or so that I was in school.

There was mostly tension and hostility on the home front. Financial Independence was my ticket to freedom in those days. For many years, I had felt that my sound financial and work ethics were attributes I could be grateful for from my parents. Truth is, my parents supplied the motivation but had nothing to do with the acquired disciplines.

Looking back at my elementary report cards brings back a flood of memories. Reading the teachers comments from those years, one prevalence is clear. There were substantial issues of social inadequacies from the earliest report card, starting in Kindergarten. I suppose it explains a lot about my blunt personality down through the years. A troubled upbringing for sure. Coping with those challenges meant seeking knowledge and understanding from many sources including "the street". I developed a competence as a loner which I still have today.

The regimentation of the educational system pretty much standardizes conformism and mediocrity. What my teachers were seeking from me way back when was conformance. What society expects is a level of conformity that squelches creativity. Non-conformists/free thinkers are a repository of creativity. The educational system and society in general would do better finding ways to encourage more free-thinking.

I suppose I am a non-conformist. Non-conformity is not embraced in our social system. Non conformists don't find open doors for their ideas. In fact, it is just the opposite. Non-conformists and their ideas are mostly rejected by society. Regarded with skepticism often in extreme. Free thinkers are best functioning as loners. A free-thinkers ideas are best kept anonymous in order to avoid prejudice and rejection from a mainstream so threatened by ideas.

I have often expressed opinion with perhaps too much enthusiasm. I used to think my perspective was so unique as to be invaluable, perhaps indispensable. I'm learning to not try to force a perspective on others. Over-enthusiasm just raises skepticism. Being clear thinking and open minded has me expecting others can track logic in the same manner -but that is not the way it works. Most are unable to "see" from a perspective of unbiased opinion, friendliness and an open mind...

People like me are very fortunate to find someone who loves them unconditionally. That's why I am a grateful and happy soul for having my Wife. She has stuck it out through 33+ years. I owe her my life and health, she nourishes my in every way.

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