Ride Stats |
Time: 02:21:13
Old Buncombe & SRT
28.70 miles
Avg Speed:
12.19 mph
Max Speed:
33.50 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,233 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy, 68°F, Feels like 68°F, Humidity 58%, Wind 5mph from ESE - by Klimat.app |
I took the Surly from home and rode to Cleveland Park then to Falls Street and got on the trail at Linky Stone Park. I rode up the trail and saw the newly repaved portion from Willard to Bramlett. I rode up the trail until I got off at the Lakeview spur then followed Old Buncombe Road north. There was a bad wreck where OBR crossed Poinsett Highway north of Furman. I saw a small SUV that was wrecked pretty hard along with an F150 and a large SUV that had damage. There were several deputy sheriff cars and 2 firetrucks there. I rode OBR to Watson then took McElhaney to TR. I stopped at the TReehouse and had a fruit cup and bought a blueberry muffin for Cissi. I rode back down the trail to the Lakeview spur and then down OBR to Velo Valets. I stopped in for a minute then took OBR back to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe. I went in the grocery and bought some green beans. I took the Hampton Station spur then the Hampton Avenue bridge across to Washington Street. I turned at Butler and skirted the north side of downtown to East North street where I climbed the big hill home.
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