Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 16.92 miles Time: 01:46:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Temp: Min: 25
Avg: 31
Max: 43
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Commuting to and from Hilton Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,000 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Pre-dawn frosty cold; Clear moonlit morning, bright sunrise;

Distance: 16.06 miles Time: 01:36:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Temp: Min: 42
Avg: 44
Max: 45
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Commuting to and from Hilton Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,000 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Sunny, Inbound: NE winds @ 6-12mph; homeward: windless;
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, November 12, 2009  Next Ride >>
 Cycling with others
I should probably join a bike club! Not just because I wouldn't be alone out there (I'm not lonely!). Though it is safer to ride with someone...

Most of my cycling sojourns are work commutes or errands. As a consequence, most of my bike rides are solo journeys. Solo miles are psychologically therapeutic, great for mental clarity. Generally much less of a physical effort expended than when cycling with others. Riding with others brings about a greater physical effort and a more significant aerobic benefit.

Yesterday's ride with Bruce is a good illustration of the contrast between cycling solo and cycling with someone.
Here are some performance specifics:
  • the first 91 minutes of yesterday's spin were solo, I traveled 14.25 miles at an average speed of 9.4 MPH (an intended "relaxed" pace);
  • the next 189 minutes of cycling with someone, I managed to travel 35 miles at an average speed of 11.11 MPH (a comfortable conversation level pace);
  • the last 105 minutes were solo once again, I traveled the final 16.25 miles to home at an average speed of 9.3 MPH;

    My best sustained efforts come from riding with others!

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