Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 16.25 miles Time: 01:15:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 13.00 mph Temp: Min: 50
Max: 62
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Commuting to and from Hilton Weight: 236 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cruzbike Quest (32lb) FWD,MBB, SWB Bent Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: clear and unseasonably mild; near full moon
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<< Prev Entry  Wednesday, November 9, 2011  Next Entry >>
 on Biking to work
Seasonal cooling is making the ride brisk even in this unseasonal mild weather we're experiencing here in this Upstate New York region. You can really feel the radiational cooling pre-dawn or when the ol' Sol gets low in the sky late in the afternoon -around 4:30.Today I'm a bit jealous being on a bus and passing cyclists enjoying the clear, calm, mild weather.

Crossed paths with a riding buddy Jerry out on his ride while I was driving in my school bus. Spied him first he was Westbound on North Hamlin Road while I was heading East. Nearly an hour and a half later I caught up with Jerry and he was heading homeward on Church Road. We exchanged greeting for the second time this afternoon. He was tooling along Church Road heading uphill, doing about 17 MPH on his Rans, while I paced along in my 33 foot school bus. Oh the Joy of rural uncrowded living. Meanwhile I was heading back to do my last run -taking on a bus load of enthusiastic Elementary students. Enthusiastic due to this being the end of the school week with a 4-day weekend ahead.

It's been nice this week using the Quest, but until I get fenders for it, the Quest is strictly a fair weather ride. And boy is she a blast -so nimble.

To date as of this morning I've made 109.5 round trip work commutes in 84.5 "C4" days -not quite as many as I had figured to have completed by this point. Anyway that's nearly 2000 miles of bike commuting so far this year. I'm thinking I'll finish the year down about 500 commuter miles from a typical year. I won't be passing Bruce on in NYS commuter mileage this year.

But the reality is my life has become more balanced, having completely rehabilitated from 2 TKR's in the past 12 months. So now when I'm not biking to work I'm doing some chore around the house like raking leaves or cleaning the gutters. I think because I have been so productive around the house, that's why Ginny didn't hassle me to much about getting the new bike (I had her talked into to letting me get a Vendetta, but contemplating the cost had me sleepless.

We've got 7 bikes now, including 2 that are Ginny's pride and joy's. My 5 bikes are 2 too many and I've decided to part with The Globe and the Sofrider. The 2 bikes are good commuter machine,s but my transportation needs are being met with the other 3. I will probably list the 2 bikes on Craigs list.

I'm sure there is a recumbent enthusiast out there interested in the FWD Sofrider. I replaced the need for that bike with the Quest. The Sofrider is a V1 which has been up graded to V2 capability and is a great reliable SWB, FWD, Commuter bike. My other bike the Globe is a highly versatile Hybrid that has served me well for more than 10,000 mostly commuter miles.

The bottom line here is commuting by bike, and for me that has been an important key aspect of good health. Roll-on!

As far as today being not a typical commute day... Most of my commutes involve going home mid-morning with a return for an afternoon commute. That's 2 round trip bike commutes on a good day. More typical would be to do a round trip either in the morning or the afternoon, making only one round trip by bike.

So here I was today full of anticipation for a double commute on the Quest Cruzbike. Duty called for a different scenario... A predawn commute inbound, followed by a full day of bus related activity then a return home bike trip at sunset.
  • 85 "C4" days
  • commuter miles YTD: 1972.35+/-
    Total work commutes YTD through this ride:
  • 110 round trip work commutes (includes double round trip days);
    1st Perfect Commuter Week (PCW) this year -made easy with a 3 day work week...

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